Friday, September 28, 2007

Wear a Red shirt for Burma Friday

Internet mobilized support for those protesting for freedom in Burma. Facebook. Flickr: The Red shirt for Burma Pool.


Here is another Facebook group that has grown to 128,000+ members from 3,500 on September 24th (as of Friday 4:30 pm PDT).

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Useful Chat Practices -- Another Request

Tomorrow I'm part of a chat with a group of learners from the Scottish Social Services Learning Network. Our topic is how to make chats useful. Useful for what? I'm going to have to learn from the group what they are intending to use chat for. I have a bunch of practices I've used over the years, but I realized that I use chat as a stand alone tool very rarely. Most often I'm using it as a back channel for a teleconference call or VoIP call (a la Skype).

I've blogged in the past about chats and other synchronous interaction facilitation issues. (There are some great suggestions from some of you in the comments of those posts!)

It is time to ask the questions anew.

  • What are useful chatting practices, both from the perspective of the participants and any facilitator(s) - if present?
  • Is group chat as a stand alone still a useful strategy?
Jump in and offer your insights. The chat is tomorrow morning, PDT - so jump quickly. I should have thought of this earlier, but hey, that's life, eh?

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Are you an accidental technology steward?

A while back I wrote an article for a librarian's journal on accidental technology stewardship. Now some teacher-librarians with an online space on Ning are going to discuss the article and have a conversation.

What stories would you share of finding yourself, by accident, in the role of helping and stewarding a community with its technology? What advice might you offer? Feel free to post your ideas here, or come and join the conversation on Ning.

Calling All Accidental Technology Stewards

(This is one of two such invitations I'm involved in this week. The next post will ask your input on the second one!)

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RSS As Glu : GREAT slideset from Alex Hayes

It is not enough that Alex has a new baby in his life, reducing the minutes of shut eye. Alex doesn't stop. Take a look at this TERRIFIC slideshow from Alex rethinking what it means to use RSS as "glu" for an open teaching/learning environment. No, not environment. Way of living...
RSS As Glu : alexanderhayes

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Monday, September 24, 2007

I missed Peace Day

peace one day
Originally uploaded by unkempt woman.
But my friend Lucy remembered it with this beautiful graphic. Click in to see the rest of it.

And yes, I'm still not feeling very motivated to blog. So I'm listening to that impulse for now.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Today is OneWebDay

Most of my Saturday is an offline day, but there needed to be one blog post because today is a special day, OneWebDay.
"OneWebDay The Web is worth celebrating. OneWebDay is one day a year when we all - everyone around the physical globe - can celebrate the Web and what it means to us as individuals, organizations, and communities. As with Earth Day - an inspiration and model for OneWebDay - it’s up to the celebrants to decide how to celebrate. We encourage all celebrations! Collaboration, connection, creativity, freedom. By the end of the day, the Web should be just a little bit better than it was before, and we’ll be able to see our connection to it more clearly. OneWebDay is September 22 every year, starting in 2006."
Connection between people is one of the key ingredients in my life that has been dramatically changed by the web. My world has expanded and become global through these dancing electrons. But it has also touched my family. Last week one of my blogging friends, Denise, blogged about my parents in Healthy Aging: Retirement Communities or Assisted Living? on Blogher. Who would have ever thought! I blogged a wee bit about my parent's transition planning. A friend online picks it up, interviews my parents and then blogs about it herself. We all learn a little bit more.

The connection is magical.


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Friday, September 21, 2007

My friends, uncertainty and ambiguity

gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards": certainty and uncertainty

The older I get, the less I am certain about things. That is not to say I don't know a lot. It is about seeing more shades of gray, realizing the shortness of my own vision as a tiny speck in a big beach full of sand. The older I get, the more comfortable I am with unknowingness. I am full of glee for now I find it fun and exciting, rather than a source of feeling stupid!

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

She's Geeky Coming up in October

She's Geeky, an unconference style event for women in technology is coming up on October 22-23. Unfortunately I can't go (but happily will be hosting a long time online friend and colleague who will be here in Seattle! Yay Nick!), but it looks like a great event.

Here are the details:

What is She's Geeky?

The She's Geeky (un)conference will provide an agenda-free and friendly environment for women who not only care about building technology that is useful for people, but who also want to encourage more women to get involved.

It is designed to provide women who self-identify as geeky and who are engaged in various technology-focused disciplines with a gathering space in which they can exchange skills and discuss ideas and form community across and within disciplines.

Our goal is to create an open space forum for women in tech to come together to:

  1. Exchange skills and learning from women from diverse fields of technology.
  2. Discuss topics about women and technology.
  3. Connect the diverse range of women in technology, computing, entrepreneurship, funding, hardware, open source, nonprofit and any other technical geeky field.

This is an unconference so it will have an agenda created by the people who attend.


Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA.


October 22-23

Start Time: Noon on Monday

Ending Time: Close 6pm on Tuesday.


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Worth Passing Along - Good Stuff

From Johnnie Moore Weblog: Yeah, I liked it too, and Patricia Digh Be a coach. Step in. comes a YouTube video that reminds us of the positive power of the medium. And of people, dagnabbit!

While I'm at it, I'll also grab a quote Johnnie had on his blog that resonates with everything I know about interacting with other humans online. From Bertrand Russell:
To teach how to live without certainty, and yet without being paralyzed by hesitation, is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can still do for those who study it.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Seeking deeper layers in each other

Originally uploaded by DC Smith.
I was reminded today of the beautiful complexity of human beings that sometimes gets hidden when we only see one or two layers of a person. Online, it is easy to just see or perceive one layer of a person. You may experience them through just one medium and let that be your perception of them. A twitter stream may convey one layer, blogs another, F2F surely many more. Different offerings in these media over time can expose layers. But often with extended networks, we can get stuck at one layer for those on the outer rings of our network.

Today I got to see another layer of a person through both F2F and online in a conference back channel. This is a person whose thinking I have enjoyed via blog and general reputation in my network (smart!), but for some reason my sense of this person was just the clever, snarky bit. I enjoy clever and snarky. But I had not had a deeper sense of the person.

Then this person engaged in a thoughtful back channel dialog with our youngest participant. This funny, snarky person revealed another layer. The variety, the switch up was really helpful for me to witness.

Tonight I went back and read this person's blog. My "reading" had more depth. The painting had more colors. Granted, I still know very little of this person. My assumptions though, may be perhaps a bit more informed.

In any case, I am grateful to be reminded that it is worth the time to dig for, or take notice of other layers. My respect for this person has grown and I will pay attention to them in a new way.


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Google Docs in Plain English

My brain is too tired to blog about the Microsoft Social Computing Symposium, so I'll just keep to tradition and alert you to CommonCraft's latest video. Video: Google Docs in Plain English . I've been using Google docs quite a bit and this will come in handy.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Who keeps us learning?

Stuart Henshall:
"Facebook's task is to keep the community learning faster"
Hm, very interesting and provocative idea. Who keeps us learning? Websites? Networks? Other individuals?

Our selves?

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Goodbye Eva Shaderovsky

Last night, before I went to bed, I checked my email one last time. There was an email that caught my eye.

Subject: Eva Shaderowfsky

It was an email from Eva's son, clearly and kindly contacting people in Eva's email in box to tell us she died yesterday morning of lung cancer.

I cried. I am crying again as I write this, because Eva was a woman who gave so many gifts to the world. I met her in 1997, introduce by Sue Boettcher. Sue and Eva had facilitated and hosted countless chats on AOL in the early years, and had started their own online community, Women2Women.

It was Eva and Sue who taught me about how to take chat from a rapid fire exchange of asci to a place of genuine human connection. They taught a workshop I sponsored on Chat Facilitation. Eva had a gentle way of deeply listening in text, of responding just enough. She never dominated or made you feel rushed or crowded.

In her stewardship and facilitation at Women2Women that skill spilled into asynchronous discussion boards.

But her art was not all in words. She was also a visual artist whose art adorned W2W, a kaleidoscopic view of the world at once exciting and peaceful.

That was Eva.

I had not been in contact with Eva the past few years. This is a common side effect of online relationships, especially when we build more than we can manage; to stay in enough contact. I didn't even know Eva was ill.

Eva brought a lot of light in this world. She was luminescent. Her flame will continue to burn in all of us she touched.

Goodbye, Eva.

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Self Publish? Advice please?

As many readers of this blog know, ad nauseaum, I have been working on a writing project with Etienne Wenger and John Smith. Originally it was an update of a report on technologies for communities of practice. It has evolved into a short book on Stewarding Technology in Communities. Grown like some darn fungus, more like!

We are in the final throes of editing, finding a graphics-angel to convert our rough diagrams into useful informational graphics, adding in stories and narrative bits AND figuring out the publishing stuff.

As this started as a report, we never looked for a publisher. Now it is a book and we are going to self-publish. For me there are two strong reasons for self publishing. Once this is done, we can just GET IT OUT. And we can revise if we need or want to. Second, we can price it so the book is a fair offering, with flexibility for those in developing country situations. In other words, we can be flexible and make it fairly affordable. (We know this is not a money making venture, but we'd love to recoup the hard costs we've put into it. This is an act of love, though.)

I'm reaching out for advice.
  • What are the things we should attend to as we self publish?
  • Any mistakes you made that we can avoid?
  • Would you do it again?
  • What self-publishing company would you use? (or avoid?)
  • What has been your experience of offering downloads and/or print versions? Free or paid for downloads?
  • What about the cost/benefits of having color images inside? (I don't think we can afford them, but I'd like to know what you think.)
  • What else should we know?
Now, one more question. If you were buying a book on technology stewarding for communities, what would you consider a fair price?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Novice book author...

(I also realize why I love the blogging format. I don't have to worry about a lot of those book things! )

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WebConferencing and meeting how-to's

A fine resource is emerging over on the Communities Connect wiki: Web Conferencing workspace. The page is part of a workshop Communities Connect is running for their constituents in Washington State, in the US. Peg Giffels is doing a great job as wiki-gardener of the site.
Welcome to the work space for participants in the Web Conferencing workshops. You can come here to read, to add new resources, post a discussion question.. whatever will take you a step further in selecting and using web conferencing tools to improve your meetings and trainings.
What resources for web meetings/gatherings/trainings would you share?

(This reminds me, it is high time I consolidate my resources and get something together!)

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Artifacts of Learning

As a little postscript to my post on over-the-shoulder learning, I want to link to an outcome from the Cali Online Collaboration and Communication Workshop I mentioned. We had a wiki for the workshop and a week ago, it came to life again. Two of the participants had taken what they learned and remixed it in Spanish. Then they put their slide deck on Slideshare and linked it back to our workshop wiki. A new resource is born.

This lovely alternation of participation and reification is the lifeblood of communities of practice. Participation is our doing, our meaning-making. Reification is capturing some of that learning and making it available to others. In this case, it is shared with anyone who is interested.

Here is their remix.

Here is the original:

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Learning Over Each Other's Shoulders

(Note: this poor blog post has been in limbo since August 30th. There is so much more to add, but I decided it is time to put it in the wild and not lock the partial thinking in the "draft" queue!)

I have been part of quite a few informal conversations recently about how to "learn how to do this web 2.0 stuff." Not just learn it, but learn it in the context of it adding something useful to our work and lives. The volume, the subtleties of useful practice, can feel overwhelming. Our sense of inadequacy can paralyze.

In Cali, Colombia, I led a workshop about facilitating online interaction and we used the Social Media Game to add context to this flood of "cool new tools with weird names. " I think the most engaged moment was when people were in small groups, explaining new tools to each other and thinking about what might be useful in their work. It was still pretty abstract. We did not get hands-on. But people noted that the tool stuff was of a great deal of interest.

I always try and promote the people and process stuff, but the reality is that tools are often the "door opener" to the process conversations because they are more tangible. So being able to "look over the shoulder" as someone uses the tools in a social context would be really useful.

In Bogota, Colombia at the very well attended "Quality in eElearning" conference I had a side conversation about ways to usefully use Twitter, Wikispaces and with a couple of my co-presenters, and a separate conversation with Jay Cross about doing an "Over the Shoulder" camp. Inthe instance with Ulf-Daniel Ehlers it didn't start out as a conversation. I had mentioned and showed a Wikispaces page in my presentation the day before. During the third day where we were relaxed in the "participant" role, I was sitting next to Ulf and noticed he was messing with a wikispaces page he had set up. I showed him a couple of things. He shared a few links. Together, we figured out how to embed links into a Wikispaces page from a great blog post I had found a while back. In the mean time, Virginie Aimard was looking over from the other side, following silently along on our digital journey. Back and forth.

A few weeks later I was the guest for a "10 Minute Lecture" for Leigh Blackall's Online Learning Communities course, centered in New Zealand. (You can see the slides, audio and Elluminate recording here.) The theme was peer learning - a communities of practice perspective. Leigh had initially asked me to talk specifically about Peer Assists, but I felt a larger issue tugging at me - this "over the shoulder" stuff.

We talked about this mode of learning from each other. I really enjoyed the conversation and poof, the hour was up. But then the blog posts from course members started showing up - those who were in the live session and those who viewed the recording. There the themes of inadequacy, of the pressure of time to do this learning, of possibility. I felt this little frisson of learning, that was a bit of learning over each others' shoulders. For me, it was then important to comment on each of the blog posts that mentioned my name, thus showing up in my feed reader, because learning from each other has that back-and-forth quality. It is iterative. Conversational.
And so, this thinking, doing, experiencing, advocating for over the shoulder learning comes back to a reflective blog post. Because reflection is the final piece that cements it together.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Case: Anatomy of a Community Meltdown

I wanted to link to DrumsNWistle's overview of an Anatomy of a Community Meltdown for two reasons. First of all, it is really useful to have real cases to help us think about online community dynamics, particularly those of conflict and even destruction. It gets us out of a theoretical rut. Second, I appreciate Karoli's take on the situation.
"These are the lessons I see with regard to this incident. I’m not going to say that this could have or should have been prevented, but it is sad to see a strong community fractured, and I think there are ways that the damage could be (and is being) minimized with preventive measures for the future."
What I'm noticing these days is our older online facilitation strategies, much like those that Karoli puts forth, aren't always working. I'm curious as to the why's and wherefore's of this, as well as wanting to explore the alternatives.

Our old methods were designed for boundaried online spaces. Our new communications world is networked, and things leak across boundaries. Karoli's noting that the community's issues were being discussed (and dismissed) on Slashdot is a case in point. So things like managing volunteers and enforcing rules, while they can play a very generative role, often backfire. The creative and destructive tension between control and emergence feels bigger than ever before.

I see both enlarged possibilities for online interactions, with the ability to connect and weave ideas and people across multiple networks. But there are naturally also greater risks that we will find it easier to walk away from dissent and divergence, rather than figuring out what to do, because it is easy to pick up one's toys and migrate to another sandbox. The only "home" we have is the experience of place we create in our minds. We have too many online spaces. It is also easier for people to "hit and run" to disrupt interactions of any form. Easy come, easy go.

The challenge is envisioning new alternatives. Have any ideas?

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Resolve to be always beginning - to be a beginner

I have already forgotten where I saw this quote and diligently copied and pasted it into a draft blog post. I'm sorry that I've forgotten, because I deeply appreciate the thought.
"Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves... like books that are written in a foreign language. Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now... Resolve to be always beginning - to be a beginner." -Rainer Maria Rilke
This quote has significance for me because sometime in the last year people started identifying me as an "expert" or, heavens help me, a "guru." While I deeply appreciate being valued and loved, I cringe at these words because they dissuade me from my primary professional identity as a learner. Holding the intent of learning, to approach each situation with the freshest eyes possible - the eyes of a beginner - motivates both the professional services I offer others and my own daily journey through life.

So the balance is this: holding the knowledge of "experience" (rather than being an expert) and staying open to being a beginner.
And the point is to live everything.

(Photo: Sunrise on Eastsound, Orcas Island, September, 2007)

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Best Tweet of the Morning

injenuity: I expect some day my child will ask me why there's an animal named after an input device.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

I Think I'm A For-Benefit Org

Welcome to Fourth Sector gives a sense of a new perspective of the Fourth Sector, the place that weaves and bridges across the earlier concepts of non profit and for profit.

I think Full Circle Associates is a "For-Benefit."
For-Benefits are a new class of organization. They are driven by a social purpose, they are economically self-sustaining, and they seek to be socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible.

Like non-profits, For-Benefits can organize in pursuit of a wide range of social missions. Like for-profits, For-Benefits can generate a broad range of beneficial products and services that improve quality of life for consumers, create jobs, and contribute to the economy. For-Benefits seek to maximize benefit to all stakeholders, and 100% of the economic "profits" they generate are invested to advance social purposes. Because of their architecture, For-Benefits can embody some of the best attributes of other organizational forms. They strive to be democratic, inclusive, open, transparent, accountable, effective, efficient, cooperative, and holistic.

For-Benefits represent a new paradigm in organizational design. At all levels, they aim to link two concepts which are held as a false dichotomy in other models: private interest and public benefit.

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The W List

I've been very slow to link to a lovely emerging rhizome of connections between women bloggers, the W List. I was reminded of it in a post, I'm Calling You Out Week #4: Being With!. I realized I should share the link love offered to me in the links by sharing them on my blog as well, so here we go! (And yes, I apologize for the flood of blog posts. It must be blog catch up day!)

2020 Hindsight by Susan Kitchens 21st Century Collaborative by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach 45 Things by Anita Bruzzese A Girl Must Shop by Megan Garnhum A Little Pregnant by Julie A Look at Art & Design: Lisa Mikulski Aerophant by Tai Moses Affirmagy Blog by Kristen Schuerlein All for Women by Leigh, Naom, Patricia, and Barbara Alkamae by Susan Reid Allied by Jeneane Sessum Artlook by Lisa Mikulski andHow To Reach Women by Tami Anderson still a great pair of legs by Angie McKaig Ask Dr. Kirk by Dr. Delaney Kirk Average Jane by Average Jane Babylune by Kate Baggott Back in Skinny Jeans by Stephanie Quilao Bag and Baggage by Denise Howell Balanced Life Center-Spirituality applied to Life by Nneka be Conscious now by Kara-Leah Masina Be Relevant! by Tamara Gielen Becoming a Woman of Purpose by Carolyn Townes Becoming your StellarSelf by Mary Kearns Biz Growth News by Krishna De Blog Fabulous by Tracee Sioux BlogWrite for CEOs by Debbie Weil Blogaholics by Arienna Foley Blog Til You Drop by Laurence-Hélène Borel Biz Growth News by Krishna De Brain Based Biz by Dr. Robyn McMaster Brain Based Business by Dr. Ellen Weber Brains On Purpose by Stephanie West Allen Brand Sizzle by Anne Simons Branding & Marketing by Chris Brown Brazen Careerist by Penelope Trunk Bread Coffee Chocolate Yoga by Fortune Elkins Breastfeeding 1-2-3 by Angela Build A Better Blog by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff Build a Solo Practice, LLC by Susan Cartier Liebel Burningbird by Shelley Powers Career Goddess by Susan Guarnieri Change Therapy by Isabella Mori Chatting to my Generation by Anja Merret Cheap Thrills by Ryan Barrett CherylMillerVille by Cheryl Miller Christine Kane by Christine Kane Church of the Customer by Jackie Huba CK’s Blog by CK (Christina Kerley) Colloquium by JHSEsq Communication Overtones by Kami Huyse Conflict coaching and resolution for the workplace by Dr Tammy Lenski Confession of a Marketing Addict by Sunny Cervantes Confessions of a Pioneer Woman by Ree Confident Writing by Joanna Young Conscious Business by Anne Libby Contentious by Amy Gahran Conversation Agent by Valeria Maltoni Conversations With Dina by Dina Mehta Corporate PR by Elizabeth Albrycht Cottontimer by Hsien-Hsien Lei Creating Passionate Users by Kathy Sierra Creative Curio by Lauren Marie Crossroads by Evelyn Rodriguez Cruel To Be Kind by Nicole Simon Customer Experience Crossroads by Susan Abbott Customers Are Always Customers Rock! by Becky Carroll CustServ by Meikah David DailyAffirm by Jeanie Marshall Debbie Millman by Debbie Millman Deborah Schultz by Deborah Schultz Decent Marketing by Katherine Stone Defining Spiritual Presence by Greenwoman Designers Who Blog by Cat Morley Design Your Life by Ellen and Julia Lupton Design Your Writing Life by Lisa Gates Diary of Claudine Hellmuth by Claudine Hellmuth Diva Marketing Blog by Toby Bloomberg Do It Myself Blog by Glenda Watson Hyatt Dooce by Heather B. Armstrong Downshifting - by Anne Howe Driving Traffic - Carol Krishner by Edith Yeung Eie Flud by Heather by Elise Bauer Email Marketing Best Practices by Tamara Gielen Emerging Customer by Michelle Lamar Emily Chang - Strategic Designer by Emily Chang Emily in France Emily eMoms at Home by Wendy Piersall by Ponn Sabra Enter the Laughter by Marti Lawrence Equip and Empower! by Carolyn Townes Escape Blog by Melissa Petri Escape From Corporate America by Laurel Delaney Escape from Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim eSoup by Sharon Sarmiento Essential Keystrokes by Char Every Dot Connectsby Connie Reece EvilHRLady by Evil HR Lady Expansion Plus by Sally Falkow Experienceology by Stephanie Weaver Fetch Me My Axe First Light by Julie Keyser-Squires Flash and Accessibility by Niqui Merret Flooring The Consumer by CB Whittemore Forrester’s Marketing Blog by Shar, Charlene, Chloe, Christine Elana, Laura and Lisa Forward Steps by Thea Westra Franke James by Franke James Full Circle - Nancy White Funny Business by Elena Centor Fusion View by Yang-Amy Ooi Garden Variety Family by Karin Marlett-Choi GenPink by Elysa Get Fresh Minds by Katie Konrath Get Shouty by Katie Chatfield Getting Granular by Aimee Kessler Evans GGs Swedish WOTD by GG Giant Jeans Parlour by Anjali Golden Practices by Michelle Golden Goodness Gracious by Jennifer GourmetStation Delicious Destinations Great Presentations Mean Business by Laura Athavale Fitton HartsockCommunications Health Observances by JC Jones and Ijeoma Eleazu Healthline Connects by JC Jones and Ijeoma Eleazu Hey Marci by Marci Alboher Hiring Technical People by Johanna Rothman ¡Hola! Oi! Hi! by katia adams Holly’s Corner Blog by Holly Schwendiman Horse Pig Cow by Tara Hunt idealawg by Stephanie West Allen ifelse by Phu Ly Illustration Friday by Penelope Dullaghan In Women We Trust by Mary Clare Hunt Infomaniac by Liz Donovan Inspirationbit by Vivien Inspired Business Growth by Wendy Piersall Internet Geek Girl by Stephanie Agesta Jane Geneva by Jane Geneva J.T. O’Donnell Career Insights by J.T. O’Donnell Jemima Kiss by Jemima Kiss Joyful, Jubilant Learning by Rosa Say Katya’s Non-Profit Marketing Blog by Katya Andresen KDPaine’s PR Measurement Blog by Katie Delahaye Paine Kinetic Ideas by Wendy Maynard Kristy T’s Home Business Blog by Kristy T Kung Foodie by Kat Lawgarithms by Denise Howell Learned on Women by Andrea Learned Life at the Bar by Julie Fleming-Brown Lifeblog by anina Lifecruiser Lifehacker by Gina Trapani Lindsey Pollak by Lindsey Pollak Little Red Suit by Tiffany Monhollon Live The Power by Karen Lynch Making Life Work for You by April Groves Marketer Blog by Leslie Jump Marketing To Women by Holly Buchanan Management Craft by Lisa Haneberg Managing Product Development by Johanna Rothman Managing With Aloha Coaching by Rosa Say Mandarin Design Daily:The MEG Blog by Michelle Goodrich Marketing Roadmaps by Susan Getgood Mary’s Blog by Mary Schmidt MediaBlog by Daria Rasmussen Media Influencer by Adriana Lukas Mediation Marketing Tips by Kristina Haymes Mediation Mensch by Dina Beach Lynch Misbehaving by Dana Boyd, Hilde Corneliussen, Caterina Fake, Meg Hourihan, Liz Lawley, Fiona Romeo, Dorothea Salo, Halley Suitt, Gina Trapani, Jill Walker Mkgmd - le mag du marketing multidimentionnel Moda di Magno by Lori Magno Modite by Rebecca Thorman Mogulettes in the Making by Molly E. Holzschlag More Than WE Know by Liz Fuller Muddy Boots My Beautiful Chaos by April Groves My Shingle by Carolyn Elefant Narrative Assets by Karen Hegman Newbie NYC by Mary Hilton Netdiver by Carole Guevin On My Desk by Linzie Hunter Online Guide to Mediation by Diane Levin Orlando Avenue by Colleen Kulikowski Passion Meets Purpose by Kammie Kobyleski Peggy Payne’s Boldness Blog by Peggy Payne Poultry Discussion by Louise Manning Power Energy Leadership by Michelle Kunz Presto Vivace Blog by Alice Marshall Productivity Goal by Carolyn Manning Purple Wren by Sandy Renshaw Purse Lip Square Jaw by Anne Galloway Quality Service Marketing by Sybil Stershic re:Invention by Kristen Osolind Rebecca’s Pocket by Rebecca Blood Resonance Partnership by Marianne Richmond Sacred Ingredients by Nicole Hanley Sanctuary for Change by Susan Hanshaw Sent From My Dell Desktop by Alejandra Ramos Settle It Now Negotiation Blog by Victoria Pynchon Shiva’s Arms by Cheryl Snell Small Biz Survival by Becky McCray Small Business Trends by Anita Campbell Small Failures: Sustainability for the Rest of Us by Jess Sand So Close by Tertia Solomother by Christina Zola Spare Change Spirit in Gear by Debbie Call Spirit Women by Carolyn Townes Subterranean Homepage News by Sheila Lennon ::Surroundings:: by Linda Merrill Susan Mernit’s Blog by Susan Mernit Sweet|Salty by Kate Inglis swissmiss by Tina Roth Eisenberg Talk It Up by Heidi Miller TechForward by Lena West Tech Kitten by Trisha Miller Teen Health 411 by Dr. Nancy Brown That’s What She Said by Julie Elgar The Artsy Asylum by Susan Reynolds The Blog Angel by Claire Raikes The Brand Dame by Lyn Chamberlin The Budgeting Babe by Nicole the Constant Observer by Tish Grier The Copywriting Maven by Roberta Rosenberg The Curious Shopper by Sara Cantor The Diet Dish by Tara Gidus The Engaging Brand by Anna Farmery The Entrepreneurial MD by Philippa Kennealy The Family Fork by Andrea Giancolli The Fitness Fixer The Floozy Blog by Kate Coote The Global Small Business Blog by Laurel Delaney The Heart and Craft of Lifestory Writing by Sharon Lippincott The Kiss Business Tooby Karin H. The Krafty Librarian The Kristasphere by Krista Summit The Lawyer Coach Blog by Allison Wolf The Marketing Mix Blog by Ilse Benun The New Charm School by Jennifer Warwick The Parody by Sasha Manuel The Podcast Sisters by Anna Farmery, Krishna De and Heather Gorringe The Qualitative Research Blog by Reshma Anand The Shifted Librarian by Jenny Levine The What If…? Women by Randee, Lori, Anne, Lynn and Norka (Pink Collar Club) Think Positive! by Kristen Harrell this is by Rachel Andrew Tiny Starfish in a Great Big Sea by Carol Toscano Toddler Planet by WhyMommy unstruc chitchat about information Veerle’s blog 2.0 by Veerle Water Cooler Wisdom by Alexandra Levit Wealth Strategy Secrets by Nicola Cairncross What A Concept! By Sherry Heyl What’s Next Blog by B L Ochman White Trash Mom by Michelle Lamar Wiggly Wigglers by Heather Gorringe Women Presidents' Organization Chicago by Laurel Delaney WomensDISH by Diane K. Danielson and Friends Wonder Branding by Michele Miller Woolgathering by Elizabeth Perry Worker Bees Blog by Elisa Camahort Write Ideas Marketing by Andrea Morris Ypulse by Anastasia Goodstein

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Community Informatics and System Design

The latest edition of the Community Informatics Journal is out and it looks interesting. Now to find time to read it! Take a look.

Vol 3 No 1 (2007) Special Issue: Community Informatics and System Design

Vol 3 No 1 (2007) Special Issue: Community Informatics and System Design

Table of Contents


Community Informatics and Systems Design HTML
Michael Gurstein
Beyond Users to Communities – Designing Systems As Though Communities Matter - An Introduction to the Special Issue HTML
Aldo de Moor, Fiorella De Cindio


Towards Systems Design for Supporting Enabling Communities Abstract HTML
Michael Bieber, Barbara S. McFall, Ronald E. Rice, Michael Gurstein
A Design Theory Approach to Community Informatics: Community-Centered Development and Action Research Testing of Online Social Networking Prototype Abstract HTML
David T Bourgeois, Thomas A. Horan
Community Networks as lead users in online public services design. Abstract HTML
Fiorella De Cindio, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Cristian Peraboni
Making Use of Scenarios for Achieving Effective Use in Community Computing Contexts Abstract HTML
Roderick L Lee, Craig H Ganoe, Wendy A Schafer, Cecelia B Merkel, John M. Carroll, Mary Beth Rosson
Using System Dynamics to Construct Design Theory for Community Information Systems Abstract HTML
Aldo de Moor
Towards Supporting Community Information Seeking and Use Abstract HTML
Nkechi Nnadi, Michael Gurstein


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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Welcoming to Blogging, Larry Warnberg

My friends Larry and Sandy were up on Orcas Island today and we got talking about all the cool things Larry is working on; solar composing toilets, making cheese caves and goat cheese. We said, you need to have a blog to share your stories and ideas. A few minutes at the computer and voila, humanure is born!

Welcome to blogging, Larry!

(Later edit and PS. I blogged about Larry a couple of years ago. The image of one of his toilets continues to be a top viewed picture on my Flickr stream!)

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