Visualizing Your Social Network

Social Network

Originally uploaded by eekim

I have done informal network mapping exercises and have often struggled with a medium for the line. Voila, look at this great picture from Eugene Eric Kim – cut outs that you put your name on and then it looks like a black-board like surface you can draw lines with chalk.

The network mapping exercises I have done recently have asked people to map their collaborative or project networks. At first everyone sort of grumbles, they think everything is obvious. Then they start seeing new things. Patterns. They compare with others’ maps and begin to think more strategically about their own network.

The power of the visual plus conversation!

Yes We Can – the role of emotion in system change

I tend to avoid political commentary in my blog. (Lots of reasons – I’ll not bother you with that at the moment.) But today I was pointed to a video about Barack Obama’s US presidential campaign that appears right now on that is worth sharing. Oddly, it is not (yet?) embeddable video. It should be. (The website itself is down for me a the moment.)

EDIT: 9:09 AM – here is the embeddable YouTube Version

What this video does is emotional motivation. It uses words and music – two very emotionally rich media – to convey a simple point of hope. The emotional state it can engender – if it resonates with you – prepares you for taking action.

When we think about facilitating change, we often focus on our logic. Our goals. Our tactics. What this video reminds me that we also need to attend to the emotional and emotive context of our change methods and plans. Read the note of (of the Black Eyed Peas) the creator of the video, just below the video (also here on his blog). Read about why and how he acted. Who acted with him.

I think one reason I have been so captivated lately by graphic recording and facilitation is that images carry more than “the facts.” They trigger more than the logical and important “next step.” So does the music in this video., thanks for the reminder. Yes, we can.

And, on a side note. I sense this video could be a sea change for the Obama campaign. “We are not divided as our politics suggests.” Oh, I hope so, regardless of the outcome.

yes, we can