I logged on to my blog dashboard today only to be reminded I have not blogged since the end of May, 2020. Pandemics do strange things. I have been keeping more notes in paper notebooks with the intention of blogging, but life seems to lead me away from my keyboard more than towards it. After hours of Zoom meetings, I want to step away from the machine. That does NOT reduce the value of blogging, learning, thinking and practicing in public. To that end I am going to try and post one post per month. I’ll do a make up for January. I promise. (HOLD me to this, ok?)
And you? Are you still here? How are you doing? The comments are open for YOU!

YAY! Glad you’re still doing the blog thing. I can’t wait to reconnect with people in three dimensions again. Little boxes of pixellated people that kind of blur together into an eternal zoom meeting. Good times…
hi Nancy, yes very much still here. Happy to see you pop up again in my feedreader! I recognise the video-call overload, and the more introspective note taking very much. In the past 6+ months I’ve revamped my personal km note taking habits (mostly digital notes), and I found it allowed me to also keep up a steady blogging stream, especially doing week notes. Week notes are only shown in my RSS feed and not on the front page of my blog, and I make them out of my daily notes, as a running commentary on how I feel and what I’ve done during the week. It makes it easier to also write other things both for the blog and for clients, I found. Looking forward to seeing your next appearance in my feedreader. Hope you’re doing well!
Still here! And also love to read all your comments on Slack every time I’m looking for something related to LS! Love you Nancy!
Great to get this note. Let’s go for a walk soon. Green Lake 8 AM I launch from Retreat. Ping me.
I did see your smiling face on Maggie’s IG page.
Hi Nancy, a blog post light in my rmFeed Reader is a delight on its own. Bring on more!