From the Archives: Ton’s Thoughts on Work Life Boundaries, Barriers and Attractors

Image of a colorful sculpture made out of used covid barriers with a sign that reads "I am made of old COVID barriers."
Neighborhood artwork made from used covid barriers

In 2008 this blog from Ton Zylstra caught my eye. In my “archives ” project of digging up unpublished drafts, I revisited his post. Sort of mind blowing to see it after we dove into a whole new type of work worlds with Covid.

Ton’s Interdependent Thoughts: Work Life Boundaries, Barriers and Attractors

Ton uses the concept of Attractors (“things that I think will improve my flow”), Boundaries (“things that I think help me to stay in flow”) and Barriers (“things I think impede my flow: ) to explore his own work life.

My takeaway is that through observing our work, our practices with lenses such as Attractors, Boundaries and Barriers we being to shape our work context – just through that awareness. As one still in a “fallow” period, the observation of my changed habits CHANGES my HABITS!

2 thoughts on “From the Archives: Ton’s Thoughts on Work Life Boundaries, Barriers and Attractors”

  1. Such a wonderful surprise in my feed reader this posting! The timing was also wonderful: When I opened my feedreader yesterday morning and found your post, I had just finished a video conversation with Bev and Etienne about their BEtreats, which evolved from Bev participating in Elmine and my first birthday unconference, where the question about work flow as a ‘nomad’ was a topic of discussion. The blogpost was an output of that unconference. A beautifully layered web of mutual connections, places and time. Thank you Nancy, for your archeological work in your drafts folder. This one made me smile with appreciation of that web of connections.

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