Note: I am currently taking just a few clients. Read more here.
Nancy J. White
Full Circle Associates
Seattle, Washington USA
(206) 517-47326-9188 – nancyw@fullcirc.com
Twitter/X: NancyWhite (and informally, choconancy)
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nancywhite
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/choconancy
SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net/choconancy
Some videos of Nancy: http://fullcirc.com/wp/about/about-nancy-white/nancy-videos/
- International practitioner in understanding and practicing online and face to face group facilitation. Wide focus includes distributed work, strategic planning, social learning, communities and networks. Experienced Liberating Structures maestro
- Strong public speaker with keynote experience.
- Experienced facilitator for live online and offline events (meetings, learning gatherings, convenings, and consultations).
- Trainer and instructional designer.
- Technology steward, designer and builder of online interaction spaces (events, teams, learning groups). Extensive work with online tools and approaches and community and instructional design. In research conducted by Jenny Ambrozek and Joe Cothrel, Nancy was listed as one of the “top influencers” in the online community industry.
- Writer, teacher, coach, and rapporteur.
- Creative, strategic planner
- Effective leader and manager
- Proven advocacy communications, marketing, community, and public relations experience. (Currently less emphasis on this as a primary practice.)
- Detailed operational, computer and Internet skills
- Excellent written, multimedia and oral communications skills
- Speak “rusty” Portuguese, some Spanish and experienced in working in intercultural settings
January 1997 to present
Full Circle Associates, Seattle, Washington
- Develop strategic collaboration and facilitation strategies, communications, planning and collaboration solutions for non-profits, organizations and businesses.
- Design and deliver online and offline learning, training and coaching. Coach others on these skills.
- Strong emphasis on the design, deployment and evaluation of productive online and offline interaction spaces.
- Support and nurture communities of practice (CoPs) and networks.
- Expertise in online interaction for international development.
- Strategic policy communications.
- Moderate the Online Facilitation list serve and maintain an extensive resource listing on online communities and work groups at http://fullcirc.com/wp
- Instructor and founding partner of Full Circle Training, and past guest faculty for Etienne Wenger’s Communities of Practice workshop, guest adjunct faculty at Royal Roads University’s Knowledge Management Program, Victoria, BC, Antioch University, Seattle (Whole Systems Design Program), and former faculty for CoIl’s Knowledge Ecology University’s Online Facilitation course. Frequent guest speaker and presenter.
- Co-host of the Virtual Community conference on The Well.
- Design, implement and moderate/facilitate online communities and workgroups. Example communities: ShareYourStory, Electric Minds, www.women2women.com, Community Intelligence Labs (private intranet community), the former Webb.net Host University
- Clients include: • AARP (Washington DC), ActionAid International (South Africa), Agriculture Sustainability Institute, Alternatives to Slash and Burn (Kenya), America Speech and Hearing Association, Anecdote (Australia), Antioch University Seattle, Association of Child and Maternal Health Programs, Australian Flexible Learning Network, Bainbridge Graduate Institute, BC Campus, Benton Foundation, BetterEvaluation.org, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bioversity International, BoardSource, Boeing, CARE, CGIAR Gender & Diversity Program, CGIAR ICT-KM Program, CGIAR – CIAT, CGIAR Consortium Office, CIARIS, Colombia Ministry of Education, Community Health Information Technology Association (CHITA), Community Health Plan of Washington, CPSquare, Danish State Information Services, Dede Henley Group, Defence Intelligence Agency, Drake University, Engender Health, eWorks (Australia), Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN, Foundation for Health Quality, FSDAfrica, GFRAS, Girl Scouts of the USA, Global Donor Platform, Good News/Good Deeds, Grantmakers for Education, Grassroots Policy Project , Healthy Aging Partnership, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, Helvetas, IBM, ICCO (The Netherlands), IEEE, International Alert (UK), INGENEAS project, International Institute for Communications and Development (The Netherlands), International Food Policy Research Institute, International Fund for Agricultural Development, International Labor Organization, ICRISAT, IRDC/Bellanet, Isilon, Justice Institute of British Columbia, KDA Research, KM Leadership Network, Lookstein Center, March of Dimes, Maternal Health Task Force, National eXtension Center, New York Roadrunners, nPower, NYSAIS, Orton Family Foundation, Overseas Development Institute (UK), Portuguese Ministry of Education, Project Harmony (ICD Project and Armenian School Connectivity Project), Project Management Institute, Quisic Corporation, Royal Roads University, Seattle Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle King County Department of Public Health, QED Group, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Simon Fraser University, Social Impact, Social Venture Partners, Swedish Hospital and Medical Center, The Nature Conservancy, Thrive by Five Washington, Trusera, Ultraversity, United Nations University, UNDP, University of Washington Human Services Policy Center, University of Washington School of Dentistry, USAID, Vermont Oxford Network, Washington State Dental Service Foundation, WA State FAS Diagnostic and Prevention Network, Washington State Department of Health, Washington State Library, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (Developmental Disabilities), Williams Group, World Bank, World Bank Institute, World Health Organization, WorldLinks.
July 1996 to June 1997
BullsEye Internet News Service, Kirkland, Washington
- Orchestrated, developed and ran startup high technology news delivery service.
- Oversaw development of back-end infrastructure (NT network, website and Access databases)
- Managed daily operations including marketing, sales, client relations, and tech.
- Developed and managed strategic alliances.
- Hired, trained and supervised staff of nine and contractors.
November 1989 to June 1996
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, Western Washington Chapter
- Managed chapter marketing, community, government and media sponsorship/relations efforts.
- Managed chapter grants, birth defects and infant mortality education and prevention programs.
- Represented March of Dimes on coalitions, boards and conferences.
- Coordinated and execute all print and video production.
- Managed permanent staff of six, four volunteer committees and interns.
August 1988 – October 1989
KIRO TV, KIRO Newsradio, KSEA FM, Seattle, WA
- Managed $5.6 million dollars in public service air time and linked to marketing value.
- Planned, funded and executed public service projects, programming and campaigns on radio and television.
- Coordinated corporate community relations, needs ascertainments and contributions.
1984 – July 1988
KIRO Newsradio, Seattle, WA
- Managed $5 million national spot advertising sales for KIRO Newsradio and KSEA.
- Coordinated divisional budgets, plans and systems.
KIRO TV, Inc., Seattle, WA
Managed national copy accounts.
- BA cum laude, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 1980
- Colegio Rio Branco, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1974-1975
- Member, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (2000 to present – Board member 2003 -2004)
- Member, American Public Health Association, 1999-2000 (and previous)
- Member, International Association of Facilitators, 1999-2001
- Member, The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, 2004 to present
- Member, International Forum of Visual Practitioners, 2007 to present
- Blog
- Co-Author, Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities , with Etienne Wenger and John Smith (2009)
- Chapter Co-Author, The Change Handbook, 2nd Edition (2006)
- Extensive material at http://fullcirc.com/wp/resources/online-community-toolkit/ and blog at http://fullcirc.com/wp/ (older archives at http://fullcirc.com/wp/weblog/onfacblog.htm)
- Contributor to “Encyclopedia of Virtual Communities and Technologies” (2005)
- Click, Connect and Coalesce, book chapter in Knowledge Networks: Innovation through Communities of Practice
- Co-Author of OTiS book chapter on intercultural issues in E-Learning (2002)
- For public health and maternal child health publications, please inquire
- Member International Forum of Visual Practitioners, 2007 to 2010
- Member of IADIS, 2005 – present (inactive)
- Advisory Board Member, Blogher – March 2005 to 2008
- Board Member, Pioneers of Change – November 2005 to 2010
- Advisory Board Member, Knowledge in the Public Interest – December 2004 to present (and morphing into a new organization)
- Advisory Board, Dreamfish (no longer extant)
- Volunteer online facilitator for the 2nd International Appreciative Inquiry Conference – September 2004
- IGNITE-US Inspiring girls in technology in high schools, 2000 to 2015
- Board Member, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, 2003-2004
- Board Member, Centre of Community Networking and Information Policy Studies, Institute of Research on Problems of Nonprofits in the Newly Independent States (IRPN) activity, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2003 – 2004
- Volunteer online facilitator, Listening to the City Online Event – July-August 2002
- Steering Group, VOSonVOS, (Virtual Open Space on Virtual Open Space) Spring 2002
- International Association of Facilitators, 1999 to 2001
- CPSR’s DIAC 2000 and 2002 Conference Steering Committee
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Information Services Board, 1994 to 1999 (past-President)
- Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Marketing Advisory Group, 1995 to 1997
- Washington State FAS Interagency Group, 1995 to 1996
- Governor’s FAS Advisory Panel, 1994 to 1996
- Governor’s Council on Families, Youth and Justice, 1994 to 1995
- Washington State Teen Pregnancy Advisory Committee, 1994 to 1995
- Sisters of Providence Health Care Reform Forum Committee, 1994 to 1995
- Pacific Northwest Regional Genetics Group, Education Committee, 1993 to 2002
- King County FAS Executive Committee, 1993 – 1996
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Interagency Coordinating Committee, 1992 – 1996
- Yesler Terrace Infant Mortality Task Force, 1992 – 1995
- Northwest Bulletin of Maternal/Child Health Editorial Board, 1992
- Washington State Birth Defects Registry Advisory Board, 1992
- FAS Prevention Task Force, 1991 – 1995
- First Steps Media Advisory Committee, 1990 – 1992
- King County Superior Court Volunteer Programs Advisory Committee, 1989 – 1994; Community Relations Chair
- The Registry Mentor Program, board and mentor, 1989 – 1993
- Women + Business Board Member, 1988 – 1993; VP Communications, 1990 – 1991
- Edublogger Award, Best Paper, 2006, nominated for “lifetime” award in 2008
- March of Dimes Chapter Communications Award, large market, 1990, 1994
- March of Dimes Chapter Programs Award, large market, 1994
- Emmy Award – Best Instructional Special for “The Fabulous FAS Quiz Show” – 1994
- Emerald City Award – Silver Certificate for “The Fabulous FAS Quiz Show” – 1994
- Chicago International Film Festival – Silver Certificate for “First Steps”- 1992
- Intercom Festival – Certificate of Merit for “First Steps”- 1992
- American Film & Video Festival Honorable Mention for “First Steps”- 1992
- International Monitor Television Award – Finalist for “Across the Lines”, 1989
- KIRO, Inc. Community Service Award, 1988
- Foundation for the Handicapped, Volunteer of the Year – 1986
- NOT Nancy White, the folksinger nor Nancy White Cassidy the artist but happy to be sharing a name with such talented women!
- Did you know there was a plant named “White Nancy?” It’s a variety of Lamium maculatum or “dead nettle.”
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