Visual, Poetic Recap of Climate Change Report

From Sightlinesvisualize it
help us see our world clearly
maybe we WILL act

Wow, Gregory Johnson, you are a gift to the world. Scientist, poet and artist Johnson distilled the massive IPCC Climate Change report into a series of illustrated haikus. You can see and download this fabulous material on the Sightlines site (another great resource – hey, give them a donation!)

From the Sightlines article:

Condensing to this degree is not how scientists typically operate. But, as Johnson proves, scientists can also be poets. Still, he’s quick to caution that this is his own unofficial artistic interpretation and that it omits all the quantitative details and the IPCC’s scientific qualifications.

The Entire IPCC Report in 19 Illustrated Haiku | Sightline Daily.

Getting Ready for Graphic Facilitation at ILO’s Turin Training Centre

NorthernVoice2012This month I’m getting to share a day’s worth of graphic facilitation practices with the good folks at the International Labor Organizations Torino (Turin) Training Centre. In preparation, my colleague from the Centre, Tom Wambeke, asked me to answer some questions for their blog. It is interesting to try and organize one’s thoughts on such a huge subject. And to make sense at the same time! I’m doing a dry run here, so feedback is appreciated! The questions are his. I also realized I have a ton of great images that are NOT organized and easily accessible. Hmmm….

1. What is visual facilitation all about ?

Graphic or visual facilitation is the intentional use of visual practices, including drawing, using pre-made visual artifacts and other forms, by an individual or by members of the group to support the group’s process. Some of the intentions behind visual facilitation include:

  • using visuals as sense-making tools
  • using the negotiability of images to think together when words (written/spoken) may block us
  • the value of people creating a shared artifact of their work/learning/experienceIMG_0868
  • the power of “making my mark” as an individual in a group
  • using as many of our senses as is useful in a particular context

Graphic facilitation is different from graphic recording, which is the visual capture of what is being said in a room. We can use graphic recording as a way to enhance and facilitate meetings, but with graphic facilitation we are using visuals to enhance all the processes in the room. So it is less about making something beautiful, but to make beautiful interactions within a group. In the Centre’s case, this might mean making beautiful learning!

Finally, while drawing is a key element of graphic facilitation, it is NOT the only thing. We use visuals such as post it notes for learners to take ownership and write and move their own ideas. We vote with colored dots. We use “red, yellow, green” cards for real time presentation feedback. The ideas from Gamestorming by Dave Gray (and this nifty Gamestorming design kit by ). These are all visual methods. AND, you don’t have to be an artist even if you ARE drawing. Look at the amazing work of Dan Roam and Mike Rhode who inspire even the most rudimentary doodlers in us.

2. Why is it important?

DSC01558There are many reasons visual facilitation is important. First of all we have the cognitive value. Our human brains react not just to words (spoken or written) but to images, sounds and even the kinesthetic experience we have as we interact with each other. So including the visual aspects into learning and doing things together enhances a group’s practice and results.

Second, visuals help us both in meaning making and in our working relationships with each other. I work internationally a lot and I’ve found visual facilitation does some wonderful things around the issues of power and language. Pictures, unlike words in so many cultures, are often perceived as less precise, or negotiable. When someone says “blah blah blah blah” we tend to either THINK we understand them, or if we don’t we may resist saying something at the risk of “looking stupid, ” especially in contexts of power and in hierarchies. We may not even be listening.

When someone doodles a little picture on a napkin or flip chart, we sit up and take notice. We begin to wonder, ESPECIALLY if it is imperfect, and we can more easily say “what do you mean by that.” We have gone into the place of discussability and negotiation of meaning, the place of learning and understanding. This is a HUGE benefit to groups. Wonder can jump start listening and deeper conversation.

Discussability also helps bridge linguistic gaps. When we are working with groups who do not share a home language, we can miss meaning. The pictures slow us down just enough to find out if we are or are not talking about the same thing.

Finally, there is something about visuals that raises the energy in a room, helps us focus our attention and is just plain FUN. This supports engagement, ownership and, well, I’ll say it again, contributes fun. I think that is real and legitimate so I’m not afraid to say that three letter word. FUN!

So we get cognitive benefits, we get power-leveling benefits, we get meaning making benefits, we increase engagement and we have fun. THAT is a lot of value! If you want more peeks into this sort of thinking, check out Nancy Duarte’s “Resonate” – there are some bits online and the following link has some great videos.

3. We live in a visual world and up to today training is still very much relying on text-based materials and facilitation aids.What added value can visual facilitation bring to a training Centre?

Beyond making learning beautiful? 🙂 Let’s start with the one people often least expect: listening. I want to share a great quote from Avril Orloff, an amazing visual facilitator and one of my mentors, about the role of visuals in listening.

“Any event that convenes a conversation == whether it’s a strategic planning session, a community engagement process, a workshop, or a dialogue between stakeholders — is only as successful as the quality of the listening taking place. “

VictoriaPicturesWe often think of the visuals as the content of the curriculum, but they are also “receptacles” of interaction. They can be a rich part of our process. Visuals help both the teacher and the learner to listen to each other and, when the conversational artifacts are captured as a visual practice, to show that people have been heard. We can use them between participants to foster better small group work, especially with people who are shyer to talk, or may need to stimulate other parts of their brain to engage and learn. Consider what would happen if you captured learner feedback on a white board visually (not just words) to help understand their understanding, and to demonstrate your listening as a teacher — what kind of a reaction might you expect from the learners? I bet it will be very gratifying and enlightening. I often use paired drawings  (learned from Johnnie Moore) between participants as a way to get to know each other and engage in deeper conversation.

Second, think about visuals to frame content, process and meaning making. I’m not just talking about making your PowerPoint presentations more visually attractive. That is certainly a benefit (see how I drew my slides here), but I think it is important to think about visuals changing HOW we teach and learn and certainly step beyond presentation and delivery of content as the center.  Here are just a few of the many things you can do.

      • Visuals can be an amazing way to plan your curriculum.  I’m really enjoying how the folks at Liberating Structures have used what they call Design Storyboarding . (You even have an example on your blog where Tod Harple said “I was also being very visual–rolling a whiteboard into her office so that we could “visualize” as we thought out loud. In this way, we were able to quickly frame the key components of the results and consider the narrative or story of how we would express them. ( ) We can use  a visual time line to provide a course overview to show sequence, or even options and alternatives.  We can use a visual “make your own” agenda with post its for learners to suggest and prioritize what they want to learn. (Post Its, flip chart, pens… voila!)

Prepping for my KM Singapore Keynote

  • Visuals can be part of interactive practices with small and large groups. A human spectrogram is both visual and kinesthetic, yet never lifts a single pen, all the while the group is helping making its insights or knowledge “visible” to you and to each other! Visuals are particularly good at helping draw out ideas. Check out “Drawing Together.”  This quote from that page is too good NOT to share.

“Drawing together makes it possible to access hidden knowledge. Hidden knowledge may include feelings and patterns difficult to express with words. When people are tired, their brains are full, and you have reached the limits of logical thinking, drawing together can evoke ideas that precede logical, step-by-step understanding of what is possible. Stories about individual or group transformations can be told with five easy-to-draw symbols. Each symbol has a universal meaning.  Being playful signals you are allowing for unlimited possibility and many right answers. Over-reliance on writing and what people say can limit novelty!”

Visual practices can be a key element in reflective and evaluative processes. Think about visuals as a way to test and apply ideas. You can use card sorting exercises and dotmocracy to help learners sift and make sense of content. You can do a visual reflection exercise with the River of Life  (we may use this to evaluate our time together in Torino!) You can have learners map their next steps – literally.

Finally, when we think of ourselves as teachers, visuals ask us to step out of our possible “ruts” of the strings of words we have gotten so good at delivering. They ask us to challenge our own thinking and express ourselves in new ways. That often triggers new insights for ourselves, not just our students. Visuals are a discovery pathway, even a vector for innovation.

4.  Three books to read?


These days, I’m torn to pick three. I want to rebel! I probably would put different books every day of the week, but here goes… (AND look at the larger list linked here!)

 5. Three must read articles?

Oh, Tom, this is really no fair! There are so many aspects to the practice, and it is blossoming right now, so there is something interesting everyday. I’d suggest people join the RosViz10 group where we link stuff as it emerges. Then they can be “in the flow” with the rest of us. The Graphic Facilitation group is also terrific

6. Two must see websites?

The International Forum of Visual Practitioners is the professional development hub  and The Center for Graphic Facilitation is another great aggregator of emerging material across the practice  There is also a strong European community, but I’m less well connected to them. I’m asking my network for their recommendations and will let you know. And of course, my crazy little wiki of resources

I also have a bit more linked here.

DevelopmentArt: clipart for use in global development contexts

Example image from DevelopmentArtIn my graphic faciltiation work, people often ask for sources of ideas for visuals. Often, when we search on the web, we find a lot of North American/European looking materials. Now there is DevelopmentArt! Check it out!

DevelopmentArt has a collection of copyright-free, downloadable, publication-quality line drawings, drawn by professional artists in Asia and Africa. Select the topic you want, browse through the thumbnails, click on the picture you want, and download it to your own computer. It’s free. All we ask is that if you use a picture, please credit the original artist or the publication it came from.

DevelopmentArt collects artwork (mainly line drawings), asks for copyright permission, and makes it available to others: extension workers, development organizations, and the like. We have a large collection, which we’re gradually scanning and putting on this site.

You can also find links to artists who can develop work just for your project!

2013 Public Graphic Facilitation Workshops – 2 in Canada!

As usual, Michelle is more organized than I am and got a post up PDQ for our upcoming September workshops.

Registration is Open!

Locations and dates: Rossland, B.C. (September 23-24) and Vancouver, B.C.* (September 26-27).

Rossland Worskhop Pricing: $850+GST (5%)

Rossland Workshop Registration: Email:

Vancouver BC Details: *Please note the Vancouver workshop is being hosted by BC Campus & The University of British Columbia. For details and registration, contact them directly:

Drawing on Walls at the 2011 Graphic Facilitation Workshop in Rossland, B.C.

Workshop Description:

This experiential workshop takes place almost entirely at the drawing surface. We’ll start by warming up our drawing muscles and silencing those pesky inner censors. Next, we’ll build into the basic practices of graphic facilitation and recording. We will pay attention to preparation, the actual visual work, and follow up including digital capture of paper based images. Finally, we will devote time to participatory graphic approaches, practicing and giving peer feedback. You can expect to go away with icons, ideas and approaches which you can use immediately, as well as ideas about how to hone your practice.

See Sylvia Currie’s great video from the 2011 workshop here!

See our Harvest from the 2012 workshop here!

Looking for the nitty gritty on what the workshop will cover? Download the details: Rosviz_Tools_Takehome_List

When might we use this practice?

Sometimes our imaginations are sparked by a visual where words fail us. Think about when communities plan and imagine their futures, when teams consider the possible outcomes for their projects, when groups create maps to track their progress. These are all opportunities to use visuals to engage and deepen community dialogue. You can use visual thinking to improve teamwork, communications, meetings, build engagement and to plan work. Step out of the PowerPoint rut! Or at least ILLUSTRATE your presentations!

Who should attend?

Facilitators, project managers, team leaders and members, town planners, teachers and anyone who would like to engage others beyond words.

Please note: You do NOT need previous experience or have to consider yourself an artist. At some level, we can all draw and use visuals to enhance our communications and engage diverse audiences.

Testimonials from 2010, 2011 and 2012 participants:

“I am still on cloud 9 after the Graphic Facilitation workshop. Thank you soooo much. I feel recharged after that! You two are such great facilitators. You were willing to bend over backwards to ensure we were comfortable and enjoying ourselves/ learning to our full potential. There wasn’t a moment that I was not completely engaged during the workshop. “

Maddy Koch, Community Planning Assistant (2012 workshop participant)

“The graphic facilitation workshop that Michelle and Nancy provided for Alberta Agriculture staff in fall 2011 was fantastic! They began by setting the stage through careful preparation with the intention of the participants knowing it would be a safe place to learn, stretch their abilities and try new things. And it worked. Participants found the workshop to be energizing, fun, and interesting, but most of all useful. Everyone walked away with ways they planned to incorporate the concepts into their daily work to better engage co-workers, partners and clients. From using it in everything from agendas, minutes, flipcharts and handouts; to ice breakers, meetings, and team building; to note-taking, brainstorming and other planning processes; the graphic facilitation techniques are here to stay. A huge thank you to Michelle and Nancy for lighting the fire!”

Sharon Stollery, Ag Industry Extension Branch, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (2011 workshop)

“What the rosViz11 gave me was the permission to draw without having to be an “artist”. Such joy! Thanks Michelle & Nancy.”

Laurie Webster, Consultant with Cognitive Edge and 2011 Graphic Facilitation workshop participant

“The workshop with Nancy and Michelle has inspired me to think more visually and to use graphics – mostly hand-drawn – in new ways that replace handouts and PowerPoints, resulting in more dynamic conversations.”

Lynne Betts, Communications Consultant (2011 workshop participant)

“I have so many good things to say about the workshop I don’t know where to begin!”

– Sylvia Currie, Curriculum Development and Academic Growth, BC Campus (2010 workshop participant, 2011 mentor)

“I really thought the workshops was useful for me, and I’m not an artist. In a short period of time (2 days) I was able to learn simple and effective techniques to communicate basic ideas using symbols, easy figures, and colour. What I really liked about the workshops was that it was BIG. Big paper, whole body movements, large images. I’ve always drawn on small pieces of paper and this was a whole body experience!

We also did some great listening exercises where in a short period of time, we had to illustrate big ideas (that were on an audio recording). It was a lot of fun and a new challenge.

Overall, two thumbs up!”

– Rachael Roussin, Consultant (2010 workshop participant)

“Thanks for doing this again, Michelle (and Nancy!!). I highly recommend it!”

– Beth Sanders, Populus Community Planning Inc. (2010 workshop participant)

Past workshops have been lots of fun! Click here to see my 2012 blog summary. Click here to see my 2011 blog summary.

We can also travel to you so let me know if you want to see one happen in your region!

Detailed Agenda:

Part 1: I CAN DRAW – Hands-On Writing on Walls

In this session we’ll touch the paper, play with the pens and loosen up our drawing muscles. We’ll address the basics of “drawing on walls” including starting shapes, lettering and some initial iconography. We’ll cover basic techniques and tricks that enable any of us to draw as a way of capturing and communicating ideas with each other. We’ll ask ourselves some questions, such as “What if you draw your notes instead of wrote them?” “Visually captured what is happening at a meeting or in a classroom?” “Engage people beyond words and text?” How would that change the experience for you and others?

When we get tired, we’ll spend some time looking at the work of diverse graphic facilitators, see how books can inspire us and play a bit with materials. Dress for mess!

For a sense of a very short I CAN DRAW session, here is 6 minutes from a lightening fast 45 minute workshop at Northern Voice in 2009.

Part 2: Using Visuals With Group Processes & Facilitation Methods

In the afternoon we’ll explore how visuals can enhance group processes such as planning, meeting and evaluation. We’ll do mind maps, mandalas and simple flip chart enhancements that you can immediately use. We’ll look at the use of visuals with some specific group facilitation methods such as World Cafe, Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry, and others. This part of the workshop includes lecture, conversation and lots of hands on experience. We’ll explore practical applications while we continue to learn to write on walls, the base elements of the practice of graphic recording and facilitation.

Part 3: More on Graphic Recording

Writing on Walls at the 2010 workshop

The second morning we’ll focus on traditional graphic recording (actively listening and capturing what is going on in a group, rather than using graphics as a facilitation device). We’ll review and practice how to listen for key ideas, iconography, and organizing space. We’ll do a number of practice drawings then review our own work. We will hold several practice sessions in the safe space of the classroom. This time will prepare you to record confidently in real work settings.

Part 4: Participatory Graphics and More Practice

Building on our drawing and exploration of visual practices in whole group processes, we’ll experiment more with participatory graphics.

Participatory graphic from Moose Camp sessions, Northern Voice 2011

This is when the pen goes into everyone’s hands, not just the graphic recorder’s. When people “make their mark” it changes their experience and ownership of the experience. It can open up how they talk and think about things.We’ll look at a range of participatory visual practices including methods such as visual icebreakers, “River of Life,” Knowledge Tree,” and other examples. Think about your group’s situations and needs and we can work to imagine practices that might help your real work!

We’ll intersperse our learning sessions with practice and feedback periods. We’ll finish by looking at some of the resources available to “visual practitioners!”



  • Come prepared to get your hands dirty.
  • Dress is comfortable clothes that can get dirty and you won’t be sad if they are stained.
  • Bring a pad of paper or journal to take notes – unlined is terrific.
  • Bring a digital camera to record the fruits of your labor.
  • We will supply the basic materials for the 2 days, but you may want to purchase in advance your own set of materials. Details available upon request.

About the Facilitators:

Nancy creating a visual agenda for the day, 2011 workshop

Nancy White: ”I am a learner, mom, gramma and chocoholic. I founded Full Circle Associates to help organizations connect through online and offline strategies. My practices are diverse, including online interaction designer, facilitator and coach for distributed communities of practice, online learning, distributed teams and online communities, doodler and visual practitioner. I have a special interest in the NGO/NPO sector and the emerging practice of using communities and networks for work and learning. I blog at, teach, present and write on online facilitation and interaction, social architecture, social media and visual practices. I am co-author with Etienne Wenger and John Smith of Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities ( Lately not only do I like to draw on walls (graphic facilitation), but I spend a lot of time cooing over my grandkids!!! For more about my visual practice see”

Getting physical at the 2010 workshop

Michelle Laurie is your key contact for more information. “I have a passion for helping organizations and partnerships communicate as well as improve the way they create and share knowledge. I focus on strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, facilitation and engagement. I have been successfully incorporating visual thinking into my work particularly with the use of participatory graphic exercises and visual aids. I also use visuals in my personal life for planning weddings, newborns and other fun things! My areas of expertise include sustainable development, collaboration and learning.”

RSVP : Please email to confirm your participation and find out more details!

Graphic Facilitation 2013 Workshops in Rossland and Vancouver BC

Not one, but TWO workshops are available this coming September, one hosted by Michelle Laurie and I in Rossland BC (a.k.a. RosViz) and another hosted by BC Campus in Vancouver BC. Here is the information.

Locations and dates: Rossland, B.C. (September 23-23) and Vancouver, B.C. (September 26-27). Please note the Vancouver workshop is being hosted by BC Campus & The University of British Columbia.  For details and registration, contact them directly:

Rossland Worskhop Pricing: $850 CDN+GST, Register before July 5th and receive the early bird rate: $700 CDN+GST

Rossland Workshop Registration: Email:

Drawing on Walls at the 2011 Graphic Facilitation Workshop in Rossland, B.C.

Workshop Description:

This experiential workshop takes place almost entirely at the drawing surface. We’ll start by warming up our drawing muscles and silencing those pesky inner censors. Next, we’ll build into the basic practices of graphic facilitation and recording. We will pay attention to preparation, the actual visual work, and follow up including digital capture of paper based images. Finally, we will devote time to participatory graphic approaches, practicing and giving peer feedback. You can expect to go away with icons, ideas and approaches which you can use immediately, as well as ideas about how to hone your practice.

See Sylvia Currie’s great video from the 2011 workshop here!

See our Harvest from the 2012 workshop here!

Looking for the nitty gritty on what the workshop will cover?  Download the details: Rosviz_Tools_Takehome_List

When might we use this practice?

Sometimes our imaginations are sparked by a visual where words fail us. Think about when communities plan and imagine their futures, when teams consider the possible outcomes for their projects, when groups create maps to track their progress.  These are all opportunities to use visuals to engage and deepen community dialogue. You can use visual thinking to improve teamwork, communications, meetings, build engagement and to plan work. Step out of the PowerPoint rut!

Who should attend?

Facilitators, project managers, team leaders and members, town planners, teachers and anyone who would like to engage others beyond words. Please note: You do NOT need previous experience or have to consider yourself an artist. At some level, we can all draw and use visuals to enhance our communications and engage diverse audiences.

Testimonials from 2010, 2011 and 2012 participants:

“I am still on cloud 9 after the Graphic Facilitation workshop. Thank you soooo much. I feel recharged after that! You two are such great facilitators.  You were willing to bend over backwards to ensure we were comfortable and enjoying ourselves/ learning to our full potential.  There wasn’t a moment that I was not completely engaged during the workshop. “

 Maddy Koch
Community Planning Assistant (2012 workshop participant)

“The graphic facilitation workshop that Michelle and Nancy provided for Alberta Agriculture staff in fall 2011 was fantastic!  They began by setting the stage through careful preparation with the intention of the participants knowing it would be a safe place to learn, stretch their abilities and try new things.  And it worked.  Participants found the workshop to be energizing, fun, and interesting, but most of all useful.  Everyone walked away with ways they planned to incorporate the concepts into their daily work to better engage co-workers, partners and clients.  From using it in everything from agendas, minutes, flipcharts and handouts; to ice breakers, meetings, and team building; to note-taking, brainstorming and other planning processes; the graphic facilitation techniques are here to stay.  A huge thank you to Michelle and Nancy for lighting the fire!”

Sharon Stollery
Ag Industry Extension Branch, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (2011 workshop)

“What the rosViz11 gave me was the permission to draw without having to be an “artist”. Such joy! Thanks Michelle & Nancy.”

Laurie Webster
Consultant with Cognitive Edge and 2011 Graphic Facilitation workshop participant

 “The workshop with Nancy and Michelle has inspired me to think more visually and to use graphics – mostly hand-drawn – in new ways that replace handouts and PowerPoints, resulting in more dynamic conversations.”

Lynne Betts
Communications Consultant (2011 workshop participant)

 “I have so many good things to say about the workshop I don’t know where to begin!”

– Sylvia Currie, Curriculum Development and Academic Growth, BC Campus (2010 workshop participant)

“I really thought the workshops was useful for me, and I’m not an artist. In a short period of time (2 days) I was able to learn simple and effective techniques to communicate basic ideas using symbols, easy figures, and colour. What I really liked about the workshops was that it was BIG. Big paper, whole body movements, large images. I’ve always drawn on small pieces of paper and this was a whole body experience!

We also did some great listening excercises where in a short period of time, we had to illustrate big ideas (that were on an audio recording). It was a lot of fun and a new challenge.

Overall, two thumbs up!”

– Rachael Roussin, Consultant (2010 workshop participant)

“Thanks for doing this again, Michelle (and Nancy!!). I highly recommend it!”

– Beth Sanders, Populus Community Planning Inc. (2010 workshop participant)

Past workshops have been lots of fun!  Click here to see Michelle’s 2012 blog summary.  Click here to see her 2011 blog summary. 

We can also travel to you so let me know if you want to see one happen in your region!

Detailed Agenda:

Part 1: I CAN DRAW – Hands-On Writing on Walls 

In this session we’ll touch the paper, play with the pens and loosen up our drawing muscles. We’ll address the basics of “drawing  on walls” including starting shapes, lettering and some initial iconography. We’ll cover basic techniques and tricks that enable any of us to draw as a way of capturing and communicating ideas with each other. We’ll ask ourselves some questions, such as “What if you draw your notes instead of wrote them?” “Visually captured what is happening at a meeting or in a classroom?” “Engage people beyond words and text?” How would that change the experience for you and others?

When we get tired, we’ll spend some time looking at the work of diverse graphic facilitators, see how books can inspire us and play a bit with materials.  Dress for mess!

For a sense of a very short I CAN DRAW session, here is 6 minutes from a lightening fast 45 minute workshop at Northern Voice in 2009.

Part 2: Using Visuals With Group Processes & Facilitation Methods 

In the afternoon we’ll explore  how visuals can enhance  group  processes such as planning, meeting and evaluation. We’ll do mind maps, mandalas and simple flip chart enhancements  that you can immediately use.  We’ll look at the use of visuals with some specific group facilitation methods such as World Cafe, Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry, and others. This part of the workshop includes lecture, conversation and lots of hands on experience. We’ll explore practical applications while we continue to learn to write on walls, the base elements of the practice of graphic recording and facilitation.

Part 3: More on Graphic Recording  

Writing on Walls at the 2010 workshop

The second morning we’ll focus on  traditional graphic recording (actively listening and capturing what is going on in a group, rather than using graphics as a facilitation device). We’ll review and practice  how to listen for key ideas, iconography, and organizing space. We’ll do a number of practice drawings then review our own work. We will hold several practice sessions in the safe space of the classroom.  This time will prepare you to record confidently in real work settings.

Part 4: Participatory Graphics and More Practice  

Building on our drawing and exploration of visual practices in whole group processes, we’ll experiment more with participatory graphics.

Participatory graphic from Moose Camp sessions, Northern Voice 2011

This is when the pen goes into everyone’s hands, not just the graphic recorder’s. When people “make their mark” it changes their experience and ownership of the experience. It can open up how they talk and think about things.We’ll look at a range of participatory visual practices including methods such as visual icebreakers, “River of Life,” Knowledge Tree,” and other examples. Think about your group’s situations and needs and we can work to imagine practices that might help your real work!

We’ll intersperse our learning sessions with practice and feedback periods.  We’ll finish by looking at some of the resources available to “visual practitioners!”


  • Come prepared to get your hands dirty.
  • Dress is comfortable clothes that can get dirty and you won’t be sad if they are stained.
  • Bring a pad of paper or journal to take notes – unlined is terrific.
  • Bring a digital camera to record the fruits of your labor.
  • We will supply the basic materials for the 2 days, but you may want to purchase in advance your own set of materials. Details available upon request.

About the Facilitators:

Nancy creating a visual agenda for the day, 2011 workshop

Nancy White:  ”I am a learner, mom, gramma and chocoholic. I founded Full Circle Associates to help organizations connect through online and offline strategies.  My practices are diverse, including online interaction designer, facilitator and coach for distributed communities of practice, online learning, distributed teams and online communities, doodler and visual practitioner. I have a special interest in the NGO/NPO sector and the emerging practice of using communities and networks for work and learning. I blog at, teach, present and write on online facilitation and interaction, social architecture, social media and visual practices. I am co-author with Etienne Wenger and John Smith of Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities (  Lately not only do I  like to draw on walls (graphic facilitation), but I spend a lot of time cooing over my new grandbaby!!! For more about my visual practice see”

Getting physical at the 2010 workshop

Michelle Laurie is your key contact for more information.   “I have a passion for helping organizations and partnerships communicate as well as improve the way they create and share knowledge.  I focus on strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, facilitation and engagement.  I have been successfully incorporating visual thinking into my work particularly with the use of participatory graphic exercises and visual aids.  I also use visuals in my personal life for planning weddings, newborns and other fun things!  My areas of expertise include sustainable development, collaboration and learning.”

RSVP : Please email