Want to learn Graphic Recording?

e-Homemakers session at GK3 2007Ever since I was turned on to this thing called “Graphic Recording” or “Graphic Facilitation” my work has changed. When I facilitate F2F I have my paper, pens and chalk and try at some point to use visuals to focus, capture or catalyze what is going on in the room. I have amazed myself at what I have been able to produce – and I make that same claim “I don’t know how to draw!” But something, somewhere along the line liberated just enough of my inner censor to build my practice. (You can see more examples here, here and here ).

People are always asking me how they can learn to do this. I have (and continue ) to do very simple introductory workshops, mostly when I am overseas. But there are folks who do a brilliant job at this — far far more experienced practitioners and one of them, Patti Dobrowolski here in Seattle is offering short courses (6 hours) in Seattle, Denver and PARIS! So to all of you who asked me to tell you when I saw a great offering, here are the details. This is from Patti’s email to me – so her words!

Learning | Alchemy Learning

graphic recording
with Alchemy: The Art of Transforming Business

Graphic Recording is a visual mapping system that captures information and ideas for groups. It goes beyond regular flip charting and uses words, colors and images to explain and synthesize what happens in business meetings, conferences and events.

The technique requires the ability to listen, take quick accurate notes and draw. It is a perfect compliment to consulting, facilitation, hosting and key note speaking in business and community settings. Join us to learn this effective tool.

Upcoming Dates:

Denver & Seattle
March 6
June 5
September 11
November 6

Denver Facilitator Kriss Wittmann
2546 15th Street
Denver, CO 80211
9-3:30 pm

Seattle Facilitator: Patti Dobrowolski
Starbucks Headquarters
2401 Utah Avenue South
Seattle, WA
9-3:30 pm

Paris, FranceFebruary 10-12

Dresden, Germany
February 26-27

Core competencies
To the casual observer, the essence of recording is the ability to listen, take quick accurate notes and draw. Beneath the surface exist overall process consulting, filtering/synthesis skills and graphic architecture skills.

This exciting six hour training will give you a solid introduction to:

The WHAT of Graphic Recording:

  • Roles of a graphic recorder; before, during and after a meeting
  • Dynamics and process experienced by a group and you as the recorder

The HOW to Graphic Record:

  • Core Recording Skills
  • Process Skills
  • Information Skills

Please email Kathleen if you have any questions! kathleen@link2alchemy.com
Also for those of you who have taken this class before, let us know if you would like to be on the waiting list to brush up your skills at no charge if we have room!

Fabulous CogDog and 5 Card Stories

5 card storyA while ago I blogged about Scott McCloud’s 5 Card Nancy

I loved the visual and the “game!” 

Now the amazing Alan Levine (aka Cogdog) has created a 5 card flickr story generator – plus a special version for Northern Voice. I don’t know if I am supposed to spill the beans or not, but I had so much fun making 2 quick stories that I have to share…

Visual Thinking

By the way, I’ll be co-presenting/facilitating/playing at NorthernVoice with Barbara Ganley and Laura Blankenship, plus I’ll be doing some graphic recordings of at least one of the keynotes/plenaries.

Brandy Agerbeck’s Obama Speach Visual Capture

For those of you interested in visual thinking and graphic recording, take a look at this! Brandy was inspired to do a visual capture of Obama’s inaguration speech – something quite different than she normally does. 

Brandy Agerbecks Graphic Facilitation Work

I was really interested to read about her process…

… I ended up scribbling down the main points I heard in pencil on a notebook. Not a real-time drawing. And as I scribbled notes, I realized that it was critical to quote Obamas words. One of my skills is to distill points into shorter, clearer phrases. Because this content was recorded and would be quoted, it was good to keep it in Obamas voice, even if it took my shape, my synthesis.

After I scribbled the notes, I downloaded a transcript. I highlighted the phrases that resonated with me when I listened live. Next, I needed to figure out how to wrap these points around the Obama banner I had drawn as a centerpiece. I started knowing that the O would be a face saying a major point. I chose to make that “Greatness is never a given. It is earned.” I built the main point around the banner, though not strictly in linear order.

I was very curious what pieces of the speech would be made into soundbites. As I prepped this image, I listened to NPR and I was glad to hear a lot of the pieces of the drawing being repeating on air.

Her reflection about capturing Obama’s exact words brought to mind one of the challenges/questions I face when doing either text or visual summaries of group conversations. How important is individual recognition and ownership of the words? When are quotes essential and when does distillation add more. Clearly in this case there was a sole focus on Obama. But Brandy’s articulation of the point gave me food for thought.

What do you do when you summarize online or F2F group interactions? What is your harvesting practice?