Nice visual organization of useful/not so useful responses to negative comments online. Take a peek! Thanks @silkcharm / Laurel Papworth!
Another Online Graphic Jam
On the IFVP LinkedIn discussion group there has been a hearty thread on online graphic recording. Some of us decided we wanted to play, so I hosted an short, hour long jam today using Elluminate. We played, drew and talked both about technology and process/practice.
Without spending any time reflecting and digesting, I thought it might be fun to simply share the link to the recording (ignore Fred Lakin and I rambling on at the end) and a few of the white board captures!
My Network Curates My Tool Choices
Thursday I’m a guest respondent for an ODI webinar on networks in international development. My friend and colleague Simon Hearn at ODI suggested a quick check of their online meeting room my heart dropped a bit when I heard they were using GoToMeeting . While GTM tends to offer a lower price point, there is a cost. It is a very one way medium. There is no shared participant chat room. Questions go only to the moderators. Control of the visuals (which are pretty limited) are in only one moderator’s hand at any one time.
Now, does that feel right for a session on NETWORKS? I didn’t think so. So I challenged Simon for some options. (Boy, with friends like me, doing this at the last minute, who needs enemies?) I said, let’s experiment!
For example to facilitate loose connections so powerful in networks, let’s set up a parallel chat. My first choice these days is – an instance of the open source Etherpad hosted by Peter Kaminski. But alas, I didn’t know if it can scale for 100 participants.
I personally like IRC but it is pretty geeky for the unintiated. We were looking for something with little or no sign in requirements and easy, peasy interface.
Of course since I can no longer keep up with the rapidly growing and changing constellation of tools (volume and a 53 year old sleep deprived brain), I turned to my network — this time using Twitter as I find it a fast, effective environment for these quick, specific questions.
Within minutes the answers started coming from @lblanken, @qadmon, @band @livlab, @bmann, and @kabissa. I had three functional options within 30 minutes and Simon and I immediately started testing some of them.
Here are the options we are now considering:
- Tinychat
- IRC with a web based interface
- NOT chatterous (they appear closed down)
- And if Etherpad scales, Meetingwords or
- For more see Robin Good’s mind map.
Bottom line… my network curates my tool choices.
Could I have done this without my network? No way. That’s why understanding networks, having some sort of semi-shared language to talk about them is SO important. I’m looking forward to the ODI talk on Thursday.
If you are a network junkie, check out ODI’s two new papers:
Not Everything That Connects is a Network and Mind the Network Gaps.
Oh, and thanks to my dear Twitter friends!
(Edited at 10:40 am PDT to add another link)
Victoria Social Media Camp With Rob Cottingham
At a past NorthernVoice (2009), Rob Cottingham and I went “without a net” doing a live comedy/socialmedia/graphic recording mashup. It was crazy, exhilarating and “teh funny.” We did not plan it. I really had no idea what would happen. Well Rob and I are pairing up again at this year’s Social Media Camp in Victoria BC on June 3-4. And I have no idea what will happen, but I trust it will be ENERGETIC!
To give a sense of what the past brought, check out…
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The question this time is what do we do? Rob suggests we actually switch off the talking and drawing, which sounds fabulous, challenging and fun. What would you suggest we do?
Monday Videos: Mixing it Up
Two from YouTube which remind me that “mixing it up” is a powerful interaction strategy. It can get us out of our ruts and boxes, inspire us, help us see from fresh perspectives and generally get our blood flowing! Here are two wonderful examples.
via YouTube – The KO Hip-Hop Cello-Beatbox Experience: Julie-O and Opening Ceremony Blog – Spike Jonze Presents: Lil Buck and Yo-Yo Ma
What are you mixing up this week?