Hopping Between Notetaking and Backchannel Conversations

One of the practices that is part of my daily routine in communities and teams which use phone calls for meetings, is to take notes in a chat environment. I am really good at capturing notes so I’m often one of the note takers. I find typing increases my attentiveness and listening. Otherwise I’m prone … Continue reading Hopping Between Notetaking and Backchannel Conversations

Yes We Can – the role of emotion in system change

I tend to avoid political commentary in my blog. (Lots of reasons – I’ll not bother you with that at the moment.) But today I was pointed to a video about Barack Obama’s US presidential campaign that appears right now on Dipdive.com that is worth sharing. Oddly, it is not (yet?) embeddable video. It should … Continue reading Yes We Can – the role of emotion in system change

Technology for Non-profit Organisations: what would you recommend?

A while back Laura twittered that she was looking for ideas for an upcoming gathering on technology for non profits. She asked what we thought in response to a blog post she put up… Getting the most from social media for nonprofits: what would you recommend? I started getting all carried away in her comments, … Continue reading Technology for Non-profit Organisations: what would you recommend?

Marie Crossing

Marie Crossing Originally uploaded by Choconancy1 I learned yesterday that one of my wonderful online friends, Marie Jasinski of Australia passed away. I feel like I have known Marie for most of my online life, probably coming into contact around 1999 or 2000. She amazed me with her natural facilitation gifts, her curiosity to move … Continue reading Marie Crossing


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