10 Brilliant videos on the Art of Hosting via Chris Corrigan

10 Brilliant videos on the Art of Hosting « Chris Corrigan.

This is too good not to repost… and gives me a slight sense of respite for not posting in so long. (Many thoughts and stories, little time…) [Edit on Octo 8. Great catch by Stephen Downes to clarify we are talking about hosting of human gatherings, not websites!]

Over the past few years Jerry Nagel and a group of practitioners in Minnesota have been working deeply with the Art of Hosting in the state.  The Bush Foundation, who has supported a lot of this work, helped create 10 fantastic videos on the Art of Hosting and some of the methods of the process.  You could look through these and get a great foundation in what it’s all about.  Enjoy!

1.  Art of Hosting – introduction: https://vimeo.com/72614471

2. AOH Community Conversations for the common good:https://vimeo.com/40679035

3. AOH Four-fold Practice: https://vimeo.com/69785461

4. AOH Harvesting: https://vimeo.com/69785465

5. AOH Collective Story Harvest:https://vimeo.com/69798732

6. AOH Chaordic Path: https://vimeo.com/69785462

7. AOH Chaordic Stepping Stones:https://vimeo.com/69798731

8. AOH Circle Process: https://vimeo.com/69785464

9. AOH Open Space: https://vimeo.com/69798729

10.  AOH ProAction Cafe: https://vimeo.com/69798730


Here is one example:

The Art of Hosting – Four-Fold Practice from Kevin McKeever on Vimeo.