What would a Full Circle logo look like?

Like a magpie, I love shiny things. I love beautiful things. Today, I am still in immense gratitude for a gift of photographic art from Chrys Florkowski. But as many of you have noticed over the years, I never really have had a logo or look for my little company, Full Circle Associates.

About a month ago something took me to the art/craft community of Etsy.com and I started to think, hey, maybe someone here can help me with a business card. (I have been making ugly ones myself for years!) I browsed and found two designers and signed up – an identity package from Nicole Byrkit and a business card design from Michelle Brusegaard. Today I asked Nicole if I could share her designs with you, and she said yes. (I have not asked Michelle yet.)

So here they are, four ideas. I’d love your feedback. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Colors and final details are all still up for grabs.

Option C
Option A