Question/ Rating |
Comments |
1. The E-Conference provided me insights into online interaction and online facilitation.
#1 - 13
#2 - 3 |
Why or why not?
- I was able to read materials about facilitation, interact with others online, and see how a good facilitator works.
- The structure of the site is well organized
- The more I work the more I see potential. There are still many hurdles to overcome in this future, but this was an excellent way to get ideas and find out more about others interests.
- This E-conference helped me to learn about tools for interaction via Internet, though I have known about them, but for the first time used them in practice.
- I learned many different opinions about online interaction and facilitation and compared them with my view on these subjects. In a result now I have clearer ideas about online interaction and facilitation.
- Online interaction is a part of my life, but I've learned how to facilitate correctly and create a friendly environment.
- My understanding of building this type of communities became more advanced than before.
- Nancy White led by example: it was interesting to watch how online facilitation occurs. I found the dialogue with David Wortley a particularly stimulating example of how online interaction can flow with some semblance of live discussion dynamics.
- Perhaps the greatest insight I had was that such technology and communication approaches NEED facilitation. I now appreciate the amount of effort required to keep such activities engaging and useful.
- It was completely new for me. However it is nearly 5 years I use Internet tools such as e-groups, newsgroup, chat, but this e-conference showed me most effective online communication tool.
- Because of the broadness of the material it encompassed, the conference seemed a little vague.
- It was my first experience, it looked like exploring America, or invention of the electricity.
- I could define better my own concepts of online interaction and online facilitation. Also, I could see the integrated concepts of interaction and facilitation in this sphere and define typical troubles for interacting people.
- Practically it is my first experience of participation in e-conference, i.e. online interaction. This is not just sending and receiving e-mails, it is a group working on a single issue. Fascinating.
- The E-Conference was an incredible first step into gaining the necessary insight to begin delving in to online interaction
2. During the course of the e-Conference, I was able to understand the set up of the
conference, navigate the space, and begin to use the technology provided.
(Discussions, Activities, Workspace, etc.)
#1 - 13
#2 - 3 |
Why or why not?
- I still think that there were too many buttons. But I got familiar with stuff by the end of the first week.
- The explanations are strict and clear
- Still learning, but I think the space is very user friendly. I like the ability to use a threaded message feature as opposed to the strict linear thread format used in the "Hosting" class. I also like the ability to see who posted before displaying all the messages. This was a change, if I am not mistaken, as well.
- Technically it was not difficult to navigate, because all buttons were clear, though I have less time to check all buttons, but I uses them as much as possible.
- I look at the set up of the conference more as an IT professional then an ordinary user-participant. I liked a lot of a structure of the conference. I agree that it is very important to have easy navigation and exact division of subjects for doing the conference acceptable for using it by all kinds of users.
- I like variety of suggested on-line interaction and activities. There were no empty spaces, no time to feel boring or so.
- This tools seems very attractive, easy to learn and easy to work in. I'd like the toolbar also at the bottom of the pages and put "top" button at the bottom of pages.
- I am a novice so this conference gave me an opportunity to experiment with various technologies and tools; some I came to understand better than others.
- Instructions were very clear; all necessary information was made accessible at all times - so, even though I wasn't checking in every day, I was able to catch up very quickly.
- Yes, I think it was quite easy for ordinary user to understand the roles of buttons and links and use them.
- I felt comfortable operating in the space.
- Time shortage because of facilities availability restricted to the office, did not provided the required the opportunity for wider practice.
- WebCrossing conference is a rather transparent system. I had no troubles to use it.
- It happened gradually, but it did happen
- The set up was easy to learn and promoted ones desire to begin using the various tools. I was particularly surprised at how useful the spaces were - by putting something in I was able to get something out of all of the spaces. The social areas were also effective as they helped keep you in and provided a break when needed.
3. Given individual time limitations, I was successfully able to read and participate
in the E-Conference.
#1 - 6
#2 - 5
#3 - 3
#4 - 2 |
Why or why not?
- I got too busy during the second week to participate adequately. I was working until at least 10:00 every night and maintaining my health and sanity became more important than participating in this conference. I hope that I will at least be able to catch up on the reading.
- Time limitations constrained my activity
- Information was too much, I understood the necessity of reading all of them, but because lack of time and using English as non native language, sometimes I couldn't understand some peculiarities in the text and even spend the whole time, sitting online and trying to read all texts.
- I was not so successfully able to read and participate in the conference because I had many tasks at my workplace so it was too little time to participate fully, and also, taking into consideration my middle level of English, generally I need more time to understand messages.
- Only time limit slightly concern me.
- Seems like I was overloaded these two weeks, but also volume of materials were sometimes too much for my daily overview.
- I think that I often got bogged down reading many old messages. I think that this is a question of personal discipline (i.e.: telling myself to read something from the Cybrary before reading every single posting that was made since I last checked in) - it takes a while to learn how to be a discriminating user.
- Unfortunately, I could not have enough time to read all messages and respond. That's why I think I could not participate successfully in the e-conference. I had needed to read and to translate to my native language.
- Language did not represent a barrier for me to communicate in the conference.
- : I have managed to get the general conception and appreciate the advantages of the project: peoples lexicon was quite familiar to me, I stayed overtime enough at office to look through the messages and have some say in discussions
- Sometimes I couldn't read ALL the messages, I read only "key" messages. It was hard to me - to be "on the top" of discussion
- I have to admit that I gave up reading ALL the stuff. Only those topics that I subscribed to. Later, occasionally, I visited Cybrary for further readings.
- Considering my time and at times technical limitations, I feel my participation was successful. Unfortunately, I also feel that had i been able to devote more time to the conference I would have come away with much more and been a more productive member of the discussions.
4 The E-Conference was well facilitated.
#1 - 14
#2 - 2 |
- Nancy is obviously a very experienced facilitator. The language barrier was a bigger problem than I think is immediately obvious. In the parts of the conference that I was able to participate in, the native English-speakers seemed to be the only people participating with extensive comments (with some significant exceptions. Don't know how this would be overcome.
- Creative, non-obtrusive and encouraging
- Completely agree, because only due excellent facilitation skill, which has Nancy, it was possible to be not far off from topic.
- Really the conference was too well facilitated. I think Nancy is a great professional in this.
- Not one question left, answers were given properly and professionally.
- I have noticed several drifting discussions, which were driven back to the core issue.
- I believe Nancy's work was exemplary! Though, I was impressed with her insight that online facilitation has inherent weaknesses when it comes to decision-making time. Too many nuances of facial/voice inflection etc. are absolutely unrecognized online.
- I was very impressed by Nancy, David Wortley's and Paul's facilitation skills and efforts to engage so many participants and numerous conversations. (I think I picked up many important tips that could easily carry across in off-line facilitation approaches.)
- I think Nancy and Paul were best facilitators I have seen in any event. Their soft messages helped discussions go to in right direction
- The organizers were very sociable and responsive and the discussion topics were chosen according to the preferences of the participants. This promoted for productive interaction.
- : The tips and facilitation have been provided timely and on the spot. There were all facilities to get answers for urgent questions.
- I think, Nancy made all the necessary steps to support the discussion except some details which are, possibly, in my imagination only
- Nancy and Paul are brilliant facilitators: they kept directing our often vague and scattered ideas into one mainstream
- It was indeed the facilitation that kept me in. Summaries allowed me to catch up just when I started to think "maybe its a lost cause" and the motivation that continued can mostly be attributed, in my opinion, to the facilitation
5. Discussion Content:
the E-Conference discussions provided valuable content I will be able
to use in my work.
#1 - 5
#2 - 8
#3 - 3 |
Please describe any content you found particularly valuable.
- Not all of the discussions seemed to really pick up very well. But there was some very valuable content.
- Not all of them, especially in the Workplace
- I haven't used the Mark feature as well as I would like to, but this is an incredibly powerful way to get new ideas from others. I will go through and copy all the relevant information in the next month.
- One of the main goal of ICD program is to provide informational support to SME and NGO local leaders in using Internet resources in their activities. It is closely connected which what we are doing and will help us to be more clear in explaining people how to do it in the best way
- The main interesting subject for me was about technologies and technical tools used during online interaction.
- Some of the forms are reary used at my work.
- Highlights for me were the discussions with D. Wortley on community asset mapping and observing the discussion between parts. On the matters of alumni interaction.
- engaging audience; rules of communication/participation; David Wortley's participation and info about asset mapping
- I think anywhere you work, this is excellent tool to enhance your work. Irrespective of you work as journalist, in agrarian sector or you are human rights activist you need to sit down and discuss some topics with you colleagues, customers, partner organizations. And this is most appropriate way for these goals - just "sit down" virtually and discuss.
- The issues discussed were diverse. Some did directly appeal to my field of work, others sounded more general.
- The most valuable was the discussion of the role of e-conferences for any intellectual exchange. It is important for a beginner to understand the philosophy, the necessity and advantages of such facilitation. Once the necessity has been deeply comprehended it is easier effectively implement the tools. All these have been entirely achieved. The more specific goals like the opening new prospects for collaboration and development of the particular programs and field have not been benefited, I think because of the lack of enough discussion, and partly because of difference of specific interest areas.
- It's strange, may be, but most valuable content for me, I have seen, was in the discussions I took part :) I think, it was the same for all participants
- One of the biggest discussion was on how to deal with those visitors of our public access sites, who want to use the free Internet time for visiting porno sites. This proved to be of common concern and now I know that we are a kind of authorized to keep such people out. We can tell them: "not for free, please! And thus not here!" :-)
- I will definitely use some of the content and lessons in my work. Some of my other staff members would also benefit from begin able to participate in something like this.
5. Content/Cybrary:
the Cybrary provided valuable content that I will be able
to use in my work.
#1 - 5
#2 - 6
#3 - 3 |
Please describe any content you found particularly valuable.
- I hope that I will continue to have access to this for a while!
- Cybrary was rich in content and the majority of the resources were absolutely new for me
- Only problem was not enough time to read. Still have difficulty reading for long periods on the computer.
- There are very many useful articles and information in the Cybrary, unfortunately I had no time to read all of them, but fortunately, we have for about 1 month to "jump in" to this space and read provided articles.
- I was mainly interested in articles about technologies and tools.
- I would love to have more time to overview all of the valuable resources. Nevertheless I like Nancy's comments on each particular issues.
- E-mail, Voicemail and Privacy; What Policy is Ethical? How On-Line Social Networks Benefit Orgs.
- asset mapping;
- The Cybrary has valuable materials, which I am sure I will use in my work.
- It's hard for me to specify as I found most of the Cybrary content valuable to read.
- This is what I have missed. I did not browse much in cybrary, but I understand the importance of such facility. So I cannot say anything about the content
- Materials, related with online facilitation
- "How Some Folks Have Tried to Describe Online Community". A good reading. I wonder whether we'll have access to the Cybrary for at least some time in future.
- I am positive that there are many resources that will be very useful for my program. Unfortunately, I have not found the time to access it as much as I'd have liked.
6. Connections:
the E-Conference provided valuable sharing and connections
between colleagues.
#1 - 11
#2 - 3
#3 - 2 |
Why or why not?
- I would say that the E-Conference helped to develop something that was already developing.
- The activity of the participants was different
- I am thrilled that IREX, OSI and PH were able to work together. I hope this will continue. Also glad that was able to join us.
- Due to this e-conference, I had the opportunity to "meet" my colleagues, working in ICD program, also get acquainted with people, who are working in the sphere of Internet Community Development and learn their experience for solving different problems, which we are facing with in our current work.
- It is very important for colleagues independence on any filed to contact between each other and share new ideas, thoughts and experience.
- Interaction will be more productive, if everyone suggest their own project beforehand.
- I noticed that some discussions were useful and valuable for participants, so they got new and interesting info.
- No question, the PH staff dialogues online were valuable to me. I would like to create such a space on our website or some other vehicle.
- I didn't participate enough here - I hope to go back to look over the workspace/individual projects section.
- Yes, we could share information and opinions with our partners in other countries - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, and USA. And it was exciting. I had felt myself as we are sitting physically in a room
- It was nice to meet people working in the same sphere and to learn things from their experience.
- As to the appropriate facilities provided we did not feel any deficit. We did have chance for confidential, common discussions, for various other communication areas.
- Yes. People could use 3 type of connections: discussions, personal messages inside WebCrossing and e-mail. I think, It was enough to provide good connections.
- I think sharing gives you a chance to better understand and/or define where you stand with this or that topic. As for connections with colleagues, this is a great opportunity to know someone you've never met in your life. I "bookmarked" a couple of my colleagues and will certainly keep in touch with them if any need for advise occurs.
7. I would like to continue interacting with this group or others online.
#1 - 10
#2 - 5
#3 - 1 |
Please describe what you would like to do.
- I would like to continue interacting with certain members of this group - mainly my PH colleagues.
- It depends on the goals and topic
- I am planning on creating a listserv, at least, to share ideas, resources and promote networking. I will be thrilled if others have ideas. We will continue to build on our relationships offline and hopefully come up with some ideas for more online-based interaction.
- Organization of similar online virtual classes will support us to coordinate our activities and to promote ICD program in all three Caucasian Republics in the best way.
- I would like to interact with WebCrossing and people working in my professional field.
- As I told in my celebration, this community made me very close to participants and I feel very comfortable either to go ahead with this group or to arrange with them some other groups and communities.
- The reality is that I will focus on developing a means by which PH staff can dialogue online with each other on various program and org. topics of interest. I'm not as motivated to work outside our org.
- I would like to participate in discussions about: - using these tools to enhance work in PH, using these tools to enhance resources provided by our programs for program alumni
- Yes, I would continue such interacting with my colleagues. It helps very much + save time + save money
- I believe, cooperation would be more effective if the follow-up online event were an online conference instead of an e-conference.
- As I have mentioned in the item 5, I felt needed to bring the people of more closer interests to me, though a longer communication practice could reveal some more areas of common interests.
- To participate in discussions. 2. To facilitate discussions; 3. To arrange (to organize) such type of discussions
- As I've already mentioned in one of my messages during the discussion it would be great to have a listserv for alumni coordinators. Any problem that seems difficult to solve alone could be placed as a topic of a mini-discussion. Also different guidelines, events, and instructions from Washington could be announced through it.
- Work with colleagues to organize online activities for program participants and program administrators.
What I liked best about the e-Conference overall was: |
- The Education and Internet Workgroup; Michael Chepov's comments; All of the ideas that it planted in my head.
- New activity; possibility to interact with a lot of people; new information; relaxing places; immediate reaction of the facilitator
- Seeing 4-5 people online at once; the balance of humor and thoughtful ideas; learning from the instructor by her actions; watching myself and others discover new possibilities and coming up with big ideas; watching people doing similar work discover their common interests
- Cybrary and discussion of its documents
- Information sharing, finding new colleagues, meeting with interesting people, experts and professionals. Using new tools for online interaction. How to facilitate similar online events.
- I think the conference was well-organized and well-facilitated.
- Friendly interface and facilitation. Valuable resources and advices of colleagues. Opportunity to meet cyber colleagues :)
- What I like most was people eagerness and willingness to participate and cooperate. May be it was because we had some tasks, may be not. But without tasks I believe if people have something general they will definitely interact and benefit from on-line communities.
- The introduction to a substantial menu of online theory and practice. I got a full dose of what online communication is all about.
- how inviting everyone was - people got over so many barriers that are often experienced in offline communication (i.e. shyness and competitive nature found amongst development orgs and NGOs); I also liked the tone of conversations - people managed to be professional, yet maintain a friendly and less dry tone than more commonly found in professional exchanges. I think that such communication has the possibility to truly enhance professional relations both within and between orgs.
- It was closed place for fixed number of participants; There was not an anonymously; Well facilitation
- I liked to get acquainted with new people working in the same field. Moreover, we will be able to cooperate more closely should a question of mutual concern arise.
- The quick, operational, multilateral communication proficiently arranged according to various levels and topics of discussion
- New ideas and new contacts
- Feeling of being a member of community.
- The hands on learning process.
What I would suggest be changed/improved for the next e-Conference is? |
- I don't know.
- Change time limitations and advice one general resource for each discussion
- Shorter period with potentially a 2-3 day meeting, rest, and then another 2-3 day meeting. 5 days was too much for everyone. Just less intensity; Better working out the expectations for workspace. Had this been more clear, I think it might have been more effective. This was not clear to the group; Another guest panel.
- Some description of texts in Cybrary before their downloading
- Not to have so much information for reading.
- I would suggest to limit a size of messages.
- More concrete samples. Less general discussions.
- I did not have a chance to talk to the participants personally. May be we can have some additional information about participants, professional background, so communication may be more dedicated.
- I would advocate for at least one more guest contributor like D.Wortley.
- Overall, I was very impressed - it is hard for me to recommend changes since I was auditing and less active than the other participants. I will try to review the site more thoroughly and put forth some of my ideas. I will say that I found David Wortley's participation immensely interesting and would have liked to more guest panels on the site with people that use such technology in practical applications.
- It was almost perfect, but everything is changing...
- In my opinion, it would be better to streamline the conference and make it more focused so that the participants can be recruited in the same working space and can contribute to a better quality of their work in future.
- I think that our first e-conference was very unique by its purpose - the first familiarity with the e-conference technology. The next, if the same participants are implied, would be more specific in subject. It should not include the main purpose of the previous and thus should focus on narrower discussion topics with the relevant participants.
- More flexible type of participating. More compact design of discussion space. To cut the quantity of different spaces inside the conference. To provide more flexible and personalized "summary tool" or something like that. To foresee some different types of participating (for example: reader/observer, "discusser", cybrarist) depending of the involvement level and describe possible steps for each type.
- Narrow topics, broaden discussions. Let me define: I was so overwhelmed with reading that didn't have enough time to answer
- Spacing out the conference a bit more.
I would like to help organize a future online event.
Yes - 13
No - 2 |
Sam VanDerlip
Bahar Hadji-zadeh
Paul Lawrence;
Mykhailo Minakov,
Siranush Vardanyan - ICD -Armenia,
Yelena Hovhannisyan, e-mail:
Asya Silaeva,
Fahry Abbasov -
Polina Makievsky,;
Suzanna Vasilian,
Farda Asadov,
Michael Chepov,
Tata Vasadze
Siobhan Kimmerle |