Saturday, May 29, 2004


I spent most of today at our glorious Northwest Folklife Festival, a 32 year free NW tradition. We went to a fabulous panel concert on busking, led by the Northwest's own great political poet-songwriter-activist, Jim Page.

Now what does busking have to do with online communities or online facilitation? Twp things. One, I was infected with a crazy idea to write some songs about online interaction and post them. A sort of cyber busker. But that may involve torturing accidental listeners with my singing and guitar playing. But then I started thinking a bit more globally about artists who share their music - some quite free - online. And how they are building a network -- even a community -- through their gift of music. They are cyberbusking.

My business has been built on the principal that you gotta give out and it will come back -- often in unexpected ways. I also relish that I don't "work for the man" as many of the buskers today shared. The direct contact, unmediated by another organization. Crossing the theatrical "fourth wall" every day.

It was a cool afternoon. I only regret I did not take my digital camera so I could have shared some of it visually with you. Maybe tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy,
What do you think of this?

I am attempting to transition from being a full-time musician to being a full-time "cyber-busker." It's my little experiment.

-The Bus King

8:13 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Bus King, pretty cool. Unique cello work! Loved the old folkie stuff!

8:40 AM  

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