Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Restarting my Online Community Link Blog

I started this with Blogger back in 2000 and let it (and my account) lapse. You can see the old stuff here -->

We'll see if I can do any better this time around!


Blogger Sebastien said... is a very handy linklogging tool, and provides a feed so that you can incorporate the contents into the sidebar. I recommend it.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Cool. I had looked at but for some reason did not quite "get it" (ah, at times the brain can be slow). Now that I look at it in context of the blog, it takes on a different nuance.

I'm fascinated about how experience changes and aggregates depending on previous knowledge, particularly with respect to how we use/adapt to tools. Thus a brand new user sees just the top layer of the onion. Over time, the layers are revealed.

In communities, people are often at different layers of the onion -- rarely I have worked with a group that was homogeneous in this respect. Food (onion food) for thought. Thanks, Sebastian.


12:42 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

So I won't forget, the code for the link for the left (a weekend project?)

/html/USERNAME/ [?arg=val&arg=val....]
/html/USERNAME/TAGNAME [?arg=val&arg=val....]
&count default=15
number of items to show
&extended default="title"
either "title" or "body"
&divclass default="delPost"
class to use for div
&aclass default="delLink"
class to use for link
&tags default="yes"
show tags or not, either "yes" or "no"
&tagclass default="delTag"
class to use for tags
&tagsep default="/"
string to use for separator
&tagsepclass default="delTagSep"
class to use for separator
&bullet default="raquo"
html entity to use for bullet, set it to empty to delete
&rssbutton default="yes"
add an RSS feed button (using CSS)
&extendeddiv default="no"
extended entry in its own div
&extendedclass default=""
class to use for extenddeddiv

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

femme timide fellations X@X sexe lionnes sexy X@X ados nu perverse X@X sexehard langue cochonne X@X akreos klipaki X@X akreos klipakia X@X koyventa haristikos X@X koyventa eleftheros X@X dilos neoteros X@X dilos nearos X@X dilos hamiloteros X@X dilos erastis X@X

1:30 AM  

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