David Coleman on Social Networks and Collaboration
Social Networks and Collaboration is the latest "guru's corner" (what the heck is a guru any more these days?) by David Coleman of Colllaborative Strategies. He focuses how does SNA adds value, rather than how can social-network related offerings make money. Ah, fresh air! (There is also a great thread on SNA and CoPs on John Smith's ComPrac list - RSS feed here).
David's newsletter is always worth a read. (Though the more I look at his map of collaborative tools, the more I think I disagree with it -- and with most attempts at tool categorization. But I can't quite yet put my finger on what bugs me. More on that later.)Caveat: know that if you select the "text only" email option, you may get empty emails. Is there a prejudice against those of us who prefer text only? (Try dialing up from Kenya and you'll know FAST!)
I'm feeling flippant. It must be Friday!
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