Monday, June 21, 2004

A good Cartoon is hard to beat

Lee LeFever points us to a good one...

This raises a process question - a linking question... Lee pointed to Jeff Veen as his source. How far does a blogger have to carry this attribution thing? Somebunny -- tell me!


Blogger Lilia Efimova said...

I usually link only to a weblog I found the link to something interesting (even if it was the whole chain before). If people interested they can follow the thread to find who was the first one :)

2:18 PM  
Blogger Lee LeFever said...

Here's some transparency for you Nancy. I've been reading books by some of the folks at Adaptive Path (Where Jeff works) and Jeff Veen's site is one that I hadn't noticed before.

When I thought about attribution for my post, I thought about it in terms me letting Jeff know that I like his site and/or his thoughts. My hope is that he'll see the link come in via Technorati or something and go to my site.

Normally, I think about attribution as a way to expose the network nodes- a way to share credit with my sources and do the right thing as a weblog world citizen.

This time though, and increasingly lately, I think of the "message" linking sends to the author *and* the audience. In my mind, it's become a way to send someone a little message without leaving a comment.

I don't think people care that I got that silly cartoon from Jeff, but I do care about Jeff knowing I've read his site.

11:43 PM  

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