Thursday, June 24, 2004

Strategic Questions as a Tool for Rebellion

The facilitator's soul in me lit up when Chris Corrigan pointed out this site, Crabgrass. Working for Social Change.

Questioning is a basic tool for rebellion. It breaks open the stagnant hardened shells of the present, revealing ambiguity and opening up fresh options to be explored.

Questioning reveals the profound uncertainty that is imbedded in all reality beyond the facades of confidence and sureness. It takes this uncertainty towards growth and new possibilities.

Questioning can change your entire life. It can uncover hidden power and stifled dreams inside of you... things you may have denied for many years.

Questioning can change institutions and entire cultures. It can empower people to create strategies for change."

Later in the page my current favorite theme comes up, bridging...
In these times of tremendous diversity and conflict we are challenged to find ways of building bridges and co-creating new ways of working together to meet common goals. An important feature of strategic questioning is to put one's own opinions to the side and strive to find new ideas and ways. When Barbara Walters asked Anwar Sadat what kept him from going to Jerusalem to meet with Menachim Begin, suddenly Sadat was examining the obstacles in the way of this goal in a fresh way. In the way she phrased the question, Walters enabled Sadat to think freshly about the political realities and envision a different reality of his own making. She was identified as a neutral. I believe she was just honestly asking about the obstacles in Sadat's way of change. He found his own way through those obstacles under good questioning.

Strategic questioning is a way of talking with people with whom you have differences without abandoning your own beliefs and yet looking for common ground which may enable both parties to co-create a new path from the present situation. In every heart there is ambiguity; in every ideology there are parts which don't fit. Strategic questioning by someone who is perceived as neutral may help the questionee think beyond old answers. New policies may be envisioned, whistle blowers encouraged. This is one of the most important features of strategic questioning.


Blogger Chris said...

My facilitator's soul lit up when you started blogging. No tentative toe-dipping for you eh? Just drop right in and start swimming for your life!

Thanks for the props.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Chris, its with encouragement and role modeling from people like you!

11:32 AM  

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