Looking at Blog Posts Linked to My Blog Posts
I was on hold with a bank today and started searching for links to my weblog. It was fun to see which posts prompted links in the past 10 days or so. I have not really mastered Technoratic, pings and trackbacks, so this is still a primitive part of my practice.
At Only Connect by Stephen Harlow did a masterful job weaving links to a number of blogs while cogitating between the difference between knowledge and information. (He also has a cool post on Narrative Therapy - which I should blog separately.)
My post on falling behind on blogging really had some great connections.
Blogging: No Point in Catching Up: Contentious Weblog by Amy Gahran, CONIECTO from Gabriela Avram recounting how attending conferences can interfere with blogging (I'm glad my post made you feel a bit better!), and Azzari Jarrett at hardscrabble offers some wishes on how to focus on WHAT to read when you are behind (yes yes!). It was a delightful little moment of kindred spirits in some way. Made my being on hold a much happier experience as well.
Thanks a lot! Finding out that I wasn't the only one trying to catch up without making any notable progress was of great comfort to me! And before reading your post, I thought I will never be able to confess this!
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