Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Wikifying the Blog?

Ton, thoughtful as always, share some thoughts on Wikifying the Blog?
Having a chat with Elmine, discussing creating links between blogs and wiki's, I came up with the idea of replacing the comment-function in a blog with a link to the edit-mode of a wikipage, that also contains the blogpost.

If you would hack the postingscript of your blog in such a manner that it would create a wiki-page with the same content (or if you'd hack the wiki-scripts to post an entry to a blog, if provided with the right credentials), then the comment function would become an invitation to either add to or alter the original post. Thus opening up a wider range of possible responces. Categories could serve to annotate/search the wiki as well. ...

What thoughts do you have if you play around with this idea? How would it alter your experience or behaviour, if at all? Let me know!"
Currently I'm playing around with a few pals with blending blogs, discussions and wikis. Each can bring a strenght to the online interactions we are working with, but I keep feeling reluctant to put them together because they are NOT blending. There are awkward jumps between interfaces which require separate learning curves. Not good for introducing people in a positive way to new tools. So I am intrigued by the ways we can imagine using these tools across, between, layered and every which way!


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