Sunday, September 05, 2004

Curiosity, Knowledge and Uncertainty

This is simply a lovely piece from Anne Galloway:
"I genuinely believe that the pursuit of knowledge is never done. This is, in part, related to my understanding that there is no absolute, determining, objective truth in the world - a position which obligates me to continue asking questions and forces me to acknowledge that no knowledge is neutral or impartial.

If the best we can offer is subjective, multiple, and partial truths, then learning and understanding requires critical thinking, the questioning of assumptions, self-reflection and self-awareness. In a world that doesn't want to 'waste time' with things other than 'the facts,' it turns out that these inter-related practices are, by far, the hardest ones to teach. And I can't help but to believe they are the most important."

[via Jim McGee]


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