Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Fast Company | Time [Zone] Travelers

I found this article interesting as it reflects the reality I am seeing
with my clients and my work. The agility to work globally, interculturally,
cross platform is a key skill. Online facilitation is part of it -- there
are little threads all through this article. Take a peek.Time [Zone] Travelers:
"After a dozen years and five previous Olympic Games, Philipps and Atos understand more about what it takes to succeed as a global business than most companies that boast about being 'borderless enterprises.' Collaborating across time zones, geographical distances, and cultural chasms is second nature to Atos. It's just the air that Philipps and his colleagues breathe. That kind of global fluidity -- rising above the jet lag and language differences to make things happen -- is quickly emerging as an essential (but rare) competitive edge.

Global all-stars like Atos, GE Healthcare Technologies, and Plantronics, the world's largest maker of telephone headsets, aren't global merely because they're chasing low-cost labor, or even because they're trying to gain entry to new and fast-growing foreign markets. Instead, they're building webs of talent across the world so that they can design better products, solve problems faster, gain more control over manufacturing, and benefit from creative people no matter which countries' passports they carry."


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