Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Marie Jasinki and Educhaos

In a fit of pique I refuse to go back and see if I blogged this already. I love Marie Jasinski. She has that lovely blend of smarts, pragmatism, drama and chutzpah that creates innovation. Seeing that I am currently exploring improvisation, it is no accident that Educhaos: Facilitating the Unpredictable! attracted me.
Educhaos – connecting educational practice with chaos and complexity theory.

It’s that dynamic space between order and disorder where educators embrace contradictions like stability and instability, structure and flexibility, planning and improvisation.

Hear how facilitating web-based role play simulations, eGames and other collaborative strategies have been influenced by chaos and complexity concepts like self-organising systems, emergence, the law of small effects and the edge of chaos, and how these concepts can be applied to the design and facilitation of learning in online environments.


Blogger Shaula Evans said...

As an old theatre sports hack, I'd love to hear more about your explorations with improv (when you're back from the conference, of course!)

8:48 PM  
Blogger Marie Jasinski said...

Hi Nancye,
Thanks for your vote of confidence! At the moment I am very keen on "open space design". The work we are doing on collaborative web-based role play has a big element of improv - SO exciting and keeps us on our toes! Maybe we could do a jam session on this with your groups!

Actually if you are interested in improv, do you know about this conference in San Francisco in October?

I'll be there for sure - any chance you could make it!

3:19 AM  

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