Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Woolly Mammoth? Limping Gazelle? Vulnerable Communities of Practice

In my post-election haze, the metaphors here are almost psychedelic! Maybe I'm over-compensating with carbs and chocolate...
E-Learning Queen: Woolly Mammoth? Limping Gazelle? Vulnerable Communities of Practice:
"Without good distributed communities of practice, even the best e-learning program can degenerate as ID's, SME's, IT, instructors, and support services speak 'at' each other or ignore each other altogether; policies and practices are mired down in the past; and the institution feels itself being chewed upon by the competition. Granted, communities of practice in a distributed environment have a different look and feel than those that are forged in small groups in face-to-face settings. Nevertheless, they are vital if ongoing e-learning products and programs are to be developed, nurtured, and sustained. The main pillars of success -- communication, reasonable and well-coordinated change, relevant tasks and outcomes, shared vision and mission, needs-responsive and ever-evolving instructional and developmental strategies -- will collapse.
As someone supporting/coaching/facilitating distributed CoPs, it ain't easy. I'm curious if any readers have any key lessons on distributed Cops. Comment?


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