Sunday, January 09, 2005

Anjo Anjewierden: Making a Difference

I'm still getting my head around Anjo's experiment to find common interests among blogs. I found it because it came up on a Technorati search for my blog. Anjo Anjewierden: Making a Difference:
While searching for a reasonable approach to create Visual Settlements based on language rather than linkage, I considered the following idea. In Information Retrieval the idea of inverse document frequency (TF/IDF algorithm) is often used to find 'unique documents'. In a (virtual) community there is a shared interest, but there will also be 'personal' differences, and to identify the uniqueness of a single blog within the community the idea of inverse document frequency might come in handy.

Partial motivation came from a paper on identifying virtual communities using linking structures.
Looking at the terms from folks like danah boyd, Lilia Effimova and others is fascinating. Not sure what it means, though. Find this interesting? Look at Anjo's earlier post on Visual Settlements.


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