Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Leapfrogging the technology gap

Alexandra Samuels called me a few weeks ago to talk about cases where "two-thirds" world communities were adapting and adopting technology faster, often leap frogging the so-called "developed" nations. I just got the chance to peek at the story: - Leapfrogging the technology gap
"A wireless network links computers in the village to computer chips on each of five motorcycles a fleet. Each vehicle has a transmitter that allows it to upload and download e-mail and data via Wi-Fi, as it passes by village computers. At the end of the day the bikes return to a hub where they upload the information received. The next morning they download e-mail and data from the hub and take it out to the villages for transmission.

Villages like Robib have been described as 'leapfroggers:' communities or even whole countries in the developing world, that are using information and communication technologies to leapfrog directly from being an agricultural to an information economy. It's a phenomenon that combines technology high and low in innovative ways, and is generating not only economic benefits but a new world of educational, social and political opportunities."
Her quote from me refers to the Project Harmony Armenia School Connectivity Project (ASCP).


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