Sunday, January 09, 2005

Lee Bryant Looks at Blogs into the Future

More great stuff from Lee B.: Blogs are not the only fruit
What is really going on is a major shift in the way that we are able to communicate, collaborate and share things with each other using online technologies. The key to this is not the technology itself - there is remarkably little that we can do now that wasn't possible 5 years ago - but rather the critical mass of connectivity between people that we are finally reaching, as the Pew survey makes clear. The real story is about about ease of use, availability, culture change and most importantly network effects, as Jon Udell rightly emphasises. As Simon Waldeman notes, the only slight negative in the Pew stats is the relatively low level of RSS adoption among non-expert users. This is something we should all work to address, as RSS/Atom and other syndication schema are the glue that binds this growing ecosystem of connected conversations.
This is just a sip. Go drink it up.


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