Thursday, January 20, 2005

Letters To My President - Rebecca's New Blog

Rebecca Lawrence launched her new blog today, Letters To My President. I met her last night at the Seattle Blogger Meetup and loved her enthusiasm and intent to use her blog to try and connect productively around some tough issues. Here is her introduction:
On Inauguration Day, 2005 some will cry, some will cheer. And approximately half of the country will be contemplating how best to combat this administration and survive daily life in today's United States at the same time. Those who felt oppressed, defeated and voiceless over the past four years are probably anticipating a depressing renewal. But I hope to offer them a way to get involved, and proof that there are others unwilling to settle for more of the same.

To encourage and remind like-minded citizens that Bush is accountable to each of us, the interactive blog "Letters To My President" will launch on Inauguration Day. While President Bush is the catalyst for this e-campaign, the true goals are to: educate, enlighten, and entertain. It is my intent to send and/or post publicly one email or letter to President Bush representing EACH DAY of his second term. Short, long, funny, sad, questioning, and irate. I have committed to writing, gathering submissions, and keeping up the site.
Keep going, Rebecca!


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