Friday, January 21, 2005

SXSW Interactive - Will You Be There? (I Will!)

After a year's hiatus I'm heading back to Austin in March for SXSW Interactive. I'll be speaking on the Deliberate Democracy and Interactive Technology panel then sticking around an extra day to spend time with 20 folks thinking about the same issue.

If you are going, or live in Austin and want to get together, leave me a note!


Blogger Paul said...

Great! What is the time and date of your panel?

If you designate a time and place for a meet up several of your followers could get together. Suggestion: Bookpeople Cafe (good wifi and seating).

8:30 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

I'm not sure which day and time yet. The closest I know is the 14th or 15th, but I'll post as soon as I know. Here is the panel I'm on and with whom. I'm really excited as I have not met some of the F2F.

Deliberative Democracy and Interactive Technology: how can technology mediate discussions, and how do we avoid the "echo chamber" - how do we facilitate dialog between people with sometimes radically differing viewpoints? Can technology help overcome the current political polarization in the USA? Will have someone with an alternate view, that tech can’t help overcome polarization.

Jerry Michalski, - moderator
Kaliya Hamlin
Tom Atlee - not confirmed yet as of 1/24/2005
Lars Torres
Nancy White
Jed Miller

And a big yes to a get together. How far is this bookstore from SXSW venue?

6:40 AM  

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