Tuesday, February 15, 2005

ubergroups.com - On-demand IM and blogs for teams

So much software, so little time. Thanks to Stowe for the review. I'm going to check this one out. First, here is Stowe's much clearer and shorter description. (He is right, they should pay him to reposition there product. I found the page poorly written.)
The basic schema is based on a list of groups. Within each group there are users, blogs, persistent chatrooms, and (James suggests) in the future other elements for coordination, like calendars, to dos, etc. They support RSS feeds from each group, although they are encrypted and require login, and not many RSS readers support that (though apparently Gush does).

Now theirs:
ubergroups.com - On-demand IM and blogs for teams is an on-demand web-based IM service for business users. With ubergroups.com, you can use IM to get business done without compromising security or privacy, or exposing your work environment to constant interruptions.

... ubergroups.com revolves around the concept of workgroups - a small set of people with something in common, built user-by-user through invitations. For instance, if you are a sales professional, you might have daily interaction with your company's other salespeople, marketing department, pre-sales support, and of course, your clients. With ubergroups.com, rather than lumping all of these people within a single buddy list, your IM system can work like you do: in small collaborative groups. You can create workgroups for each department you interface with, and then share IMs, conference rooms, blogs, files and transcripts with only those people within each distinct workgroup. Everyone in a particular workgroup automatically sees everyone else invited into the group, and can immediately start communicating in real-time.

...these workgroups give you the capability to coordinate your whole team with a comprehensive IM solution. You can even create project-specific workgroups for your team, as specific initiatives or partnerships come and go, and then destroy these groups when the project is finished....

On the ubergroups.com website, your workgroup can also share ideas and files easily with group blogs and permanent conference rooms visible only to your workgroup.

[via Stowe]

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