Tuesday, April 12, 2005

BlogHer Conference is Happening!

It is amazing what comes out of a few linked conversations, a few provocative blog posts and the passionate energy of three and a larger circle of supportive women around those three. So today, the garden has been prepared for the blossoming of BlogHer. Here is a bit from the fresh new site. Click in to read more.. (and there is LOTS more!)

Date: July 30, 2005
Location: TechMart Meeting Center, Santa Clara, CA
Official BlogHer Site: BlogHer.org

This flagship event is open to all bloggers (yes, including men and beginners) nterested in enhancing their online exposure, learning the latest best practices in blogging, networking with other bloggers, and specifically cultivating the female blogging community.

BlogHer Conference ‘05 will provide an open, inclusive forum to:
1. Discuss the role of women within the larger blog community
2. Examine the developing (and debatable) code of blogging ethics
3. Discover how blogging is shrinking the world and amplifying the voices of women worldwide

In addition, educational tracks will be available focusing on:
1. Best technology practices, newbie to advanced: how to use technology and tools to achieve text, photo, audio and video blogging goals
2. Best industry-specific practices: Why are journalists, marketers, lawyers, academics, technologists and many more blogging? And how do you find the ones you’re interested in?
3. The rights and the responsibilities of the blogger

BlogHer Conference ‘05 will be the first of its kind, an opportunity for the female blogging community to meet in person. It will set the agenda for future BlogHer networking and enhance women’s influence in the blog community.

The event will include onsite mixers and informal meet-ups for attendees seeking to network in their areas of interest. BlogHer will even set aside a "Room of Your Own" to enable attendees to form impromptu sessions. A pre-event mixer will be held in close proximity to the conference site the evening before. Also, BlogHer will designate space for vendor demonstrations, where bloggers can explore which solutions work best for their needs.

For more information on BlogHer Conference ‘05, including lodging options and registration information, visit BlogHer online.

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Blogger Bud said...

Well, this is great. I suggested to Shelley Powers on her blog that something like this was the answer. It's a proactive, positive step.

4:40 AM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Thanks, Bud. I hope to "blog out" a lot from BlogHer and hope that encourages anyone who can't attend to "blog in."

(Hm, a Blog-In! The old hippie in me had to grin at that one!)

10:16 AM  

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