Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A BlogHer Offer and a Challenge

Can't afford the $99 Blogher registration fee? There are blogherships for those who commit to some live blogging - we are looking for bloggers who can blog the opening and closing in languages other than English and everything in between.

Are you a student who really wants to come and can't afford to? I'm offering 2 scholarships that I'll pay for, plus if you can't afford a hotel, I'll find a home to take you in in the San Jose area. If you have a bloggership, you can use the $99 to offset your other costs. Email me (nancyw at fullcirc dot com) with your reason and how you will bring a fresh voice to the event. I'll make a decision by May 15th.

Are you a person who can afford to support the participation of another woman? I challenge you to make that offer. Find a voice who would otherwise be unrepresented. Find a way to help her come.

I'm VERY interested in this breaking the mold of only-the-priveledged or "in" coming. Who will join me?

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Anonymous Jory Des Jardins said...

Way to put your money where your blog is, Nancy!

5:34 PM  

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