Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Podcasting and Vodcasting: A White Paper

Missouri Podcasting White Paper.pdf (application/pdf Object) by Peter Meng from the University of Missouri gives a thorough overview on these forms with particular emphasis on their applications in learning environments.

I appreciate the images and clear language. At the end of the article, Peter concludes:
Podcasting and VODcasting, and their pending derivatives, are not fads. They are very real and very practical distribution
technologies. The ability to time-shift content versus traditional broadcast distribution models expands student
teaching and learning opportunities significantly. The supporting technologies are relatively inexpensive and
surprisingly easy to use - in fact easy enough to use that faculty and students will begin to actively produce and distribute
content through this medium by summer semester 2005.

Peter, this is a huge contribution, but may I suggest that you put the actual links in your Resource section (show the urls) as the links in your .pdf are not clickable for me.

March 2005 via [Stephen Downes]


Anonymous therese said...

On Wednesday April 20 at 1.15 pm CET, Mark Fonseca Rendeiro, Podcaster from Amsterdam, will be giving a seminar in HUMlab at UmeƄ University on the topic. You should be able to access a live stream from the seminar from the top right corner of the HUMlab page on the day of the seminar. Should be interesting!

11:58 PM  

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