Friday, May 06, 2005

Brian & Ruby's Open Source Wedding - More Community Manifestations

As always, I'm deeply engaged by any manifestation of community. I am also a seeker of finding more ways to live with less control (something I hate to admit but I still love control deep down in my heart) and more emergence. Here's an example that looks good from where I sit. It will be fun to follow. Brian & Ruby's Wedding | Geek Socialist Love
Welcome to the first (that we know of) open source wedding! Although we find many aspects of the traditional patriarchal idea of marriage objectionable, we hope to help redefine the institution by showing there's another way to be "husband and wife." One of the reasons to get married, and not just live in a committed domestic partnership, is that declaring our union in such a public way signifies the importance of the community in our relationship.
Brian and Ruby, my beams to you!

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Blogger Ruby said...

Thanks for the beams (?), Nancy!

I am also really intrigued by the balance between being in control and allowing things to shape themselves. In the case of our wedding site, we are totally open to input from our community (friends and family), but we are still making the final decisions! As you can see, we've already had tons of helpful suggestions.

I've been been thinking about some way to add an element to our ceremony that will somehow be dynamic and created in and by the moment. I haven't come up with it yet...

5:21 PM  

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