Tuesday, May 10, 2005

It is weird to see my blog on another site

Following links, I found this site which has my entire blog. Someone tell me, why? I must be missing a point. What's New on the Web ::: etamp.net


Anonymous Roger Benningfield said...

Nancy: From what I can tell, etamp is a web-based aggregator, closer to Kinja or JournURL than Bloglines.

The difference is that Kinja and JournURL take steps to minimize the chance that anyone will confuse the aggregator with the source, while etamp doesn't appear to be doing much in that area.

10:13 AM  
Blogger jackvinson said...

Roger is correct. You will see the same thing at Bloglines: http://www.bloglines.com/preview?siteid=239020. Since you provide the site syndication, other website can pick it up and provide it to their users. This was the center of the controversy from the beginning of the year with Martin Schwimmer (http://trademark.blog.us/blog/2005/01/14.html#a1530). Dennis Kennedy also talked about it, though with a more humorous attitude (http://www.denniskennedy.com/archives/2005_01.html#a000563 - see Jan 17th).

3:58 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

Thanks to both of you, Jack and Roger, for the info. Now the pieces are clicking into place.

Bottom line though... I ain't gonna worry about it! Let the stuff fly and sink or swim on it's merits (or not!)

Thanks again

8:34 PM  

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