Saturday, May 14, 2005

Phase Changes and Transitions

Two of my colleagues, John Smith and Bev Trayner have been spending quite a bit of time talking and writing about phase changes in communities of practice. Their paper can be found here.

I thought of them when I read about this event, New Transition
"The purpose of the 050505 conference is to explore the transitions users make when they switch from one mode of media interaction to another. The applause before a concert, the opening sequence of a movie, the ring tone of a cell phone, the login for an online game; all are transitions from one mode of interaction to another. ..What do we hold on to, what do we let go of, how do we transform in interactions with different technologies? How do transitions frame a space of interaction? How can we design transitions, both technically and culturally, to translate our bodies into new spheres of interaction?"

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