Monday, June 06, 2005

And now for some relaxation

Chris Koen uses video blogging to give us a relaxing time out. Chris Koehn's Video Blog: Peaceful, relaxation.
Nice calm, relaxing waters from the Thompson Rivers University Botanical Gardens.

Link for the actual video. What is interesting is that from the context in a listserv, this was a peace offering after a dustup on the Videoblogging Yahoo group.


Blogger Chris Koehn said...


I just noticed you linked me while I was checking out Technorati. Are you a poster on the yahoo group?? There are so many people on that list I only know maybe 5 people by name.

Anyhow, see you around!

5:57 PM  
Blogger Nancy White said...

No, I'm not a poster. I just happened to skim through trying to follow up on an item I had seen and then through another link found your video, Chris. I'm interested in soothing things!

7:15 PM  
Blogger Chris Koehn said...

Cool, I'm interested in blogs that link my stuff, so I'll be checking in now and then!

11:08 PM  

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