Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Corporate culture and your blog

Regina Miller provides an interesting metaphor blogging and an organization's corporate culture.
Basically if you look at your corporate culture’s norms and taboos as a 4-sided box (with you in the middle of it) imagine one side made of glass; one side made of steel; one side as a locked door for which a key is required; and one side made of the stretchy membrane.

Be aware that there are some norms and taboos made of glass and if you break them you may get badly cut or hurt but you will survive. However, some norms and taboos are made of steel and no matter what you do and how hard you try you will not be able to break them. On the other hand, you may get through the locked door with the right key - it may be a matter of "asking permission" or managing to a set of guidelines or policies, etc. And then there are the norms and taboos that we can test the limits of…we may perceive they are there and limiting us but in reality we probably can push the boundaries a bit further than they were the day before and the day before that…So whether you are blogging or doing anything that puts the corporate culture to the test, make sure you understand which side of the box you need to get through and how you will do it…
This image is useful for other online interaction formats and modalities as well. When I coach folks about moving processes online, I always try and talk about the impact on their organizational culture, but I'm not sure I have been doing a very good job.

A visual can be a very powerful thing. Here is what comes to mind with Regina's idea:

Regina's idea has helped me move my thinking forward. I'm always looking for the stretchy membrane opportunities, but keeping awareness of the glass, steel and lock. Or maybe even imagining the box reforming into something more fluid and emergent.

[via Michael Specht]


Anonymous regina said...

Nancy - How great is that visual you did!! Love it - and I will link back to it now in today's post. I knew it needed a visual but don't have those artistic qualities...great job and let's stay connected.!

1:59 AM  

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