Monday, June 13, 2005

Discussion of a disputed Wikipedia Page

A nice peek into the editing process for a disputed Wikipedia page. There are some interesting practices that have apparently evolved. I'll have to research more on the history of the process.

What I see in Talk:Podcasting - is:

  • The original page has a header flag that notifies readers the page is actively in dispute. This may attract more dispute, but it adds a nice layer of transparency on the process. (There are always pros/cons to just about any practice!)

  • The "talk" page broken up so people can comment on particular pieces of the original wikpedia page. Someone created a table of contents. Pretty wonderful.
  • There is instructions on the top of the talk page to help new folks know what to do to be effective in adding a comment.

Any other practices that you can notice? What here might be useful for any other groups using wikis to work together?

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