Monday, June 06, 2005

Stowe on a Roll

I was catching up with Corante:Get Real tonight. There was a ton of interesting posts since May 31st (all worth a gander - like this one devise a distributed architecture for social media). There was a new flavor I was sensing. What was it?

Then I found this this one.
"I have been struggling with a high quality problem recently, namely the growth of Corante: the steady growth in the size of the community of readers that our blogs are connecting with, the increase in advertising and other sponsorships, and the expansion of our consulting services. At the same time, we have been working on a variety of new ideas for things that Corante could be doing, and struggling with ways to get the word out about what we are up to.

I had a brief moment of clarity last week, after a series of discussions with Hylton Jolliffe (my partner, and founder of Corante), when I suggested that we should just drop the more traditional alternatives that we had been struggling with, and simply surrender to the void. 'Let's just blog it,' is more or less what I suggested. I'm sure that approach would be obvious to others, but perhaps because we were so close to the issue it seemed more oblique. Nonetheless, here we are. Therefore, this is the first in an ongoing series of posts about Corante: our business, our aspirations, and our plans. An open business plan, of sorts."
After reading that, I realized from that point on, I was hearing more of what I think of as "Stowe's voice." He has always shared links, trends and thinking, but somehow it seems to have more of his voice in it. Is this my imagination?



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