Saturday, June 11, 2005

Wiki Swarm - Worth watching and learning from

Ah, I should be doing Saturday household chores and instead I'm blogging. What can I say?

Ross Mayfield, blogging an M2M, pointed to Loic Le Meur's last minute presentation construction process for Reboot7 -- which follows on directly to some of the issues in the Biz Week article I just blogged.

Many-to-Many: Wiki Swarm
Loic Le Meur started with a simple post pointing to a wiki and asking for help flushing out facts on The European Blogosphere.

Over the next 24 hours an incredible resource was generated with 400 contributions. Loic abandoned Powerpoint and presented in wiki to Reboot7 (wish I could have been there, and kind of was). Contributions keep coming and the process evolves."
Now, beyond the value of collaboration, it might be interesting to look at the process issues.

Here are a few that come up for me right off the bat.

1. Loic has a network that reads his blog and interacts with him (comments on his blogs, links to him, replies via any other channel). The network is part of the foundation.

2. He used the reboot7 technorati tag... did that help him garner the assistance of those paying attention, both onsite and around the world, to his plea? It would be interesting to try and figure that out.

3. As of this time, there were 101 revisions to the main page. There were so many contributions that it appears that Loic started spawing off other pages, demonstrating some fine wiki-gardening/facilitation skills. At some point, chaos can scare off your collaborators. 13+ subpages

4. People who contributed were asked to note their names. 21 listed their names. I wonder how many more contributed but did not list themselves. This makes me wonder about why people do or do not choose to show themselves in this sort of effort. Another thing worth looking into.

5. Finally, look at the value of the aggregated, filtered content. I just learned a lot about the European blogosphere!

What other practice/process observations do you have on Loic's cooperative Wiki Swarm?

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