Saturday, June 18, 2005

Zen-Like Robustness: communities, technologies and learning.

Bev nails itEm duas linguas - metaphorically speaking
"Recently at two different conferences which represent two different international communities I belong to I was aware of the genre boundaries we are crossing in our work on communities, technologies and learning. The combination of different modes and technologies and a focus on emerging processes and diversity changes the whole nature of communication. It also changes our ways of of working together, what gets done, whose voices get heard, and where power lies. To survive it you have to develop a Zen-like robustness with the unsettling effects of communicating and learning in ways that expose your fragilities and the precariousness of human relationships. It deeply challenges all the securities that come with fixed roles, linear relationships and clear objectives. "
My robustness is a little tired today. But I had a total gut reaction to reading Bev's words. She nailed it. I'm working on my presentation for the Collaborative Technologies 2005 online conference next week about the 7 Compentencies for Online Interaction and I think I need to quote Bev. Back to work.

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