RSS Feeds on Yahoo Groups
I've been starting to subscribe to RSS feeds for my Yahoo groups. First, I have to say, I deeply regret they are headlines only. I want full feeds. (Yahoo friends, are you reading?) Second, I've started to wonder how many members use the feeds. And how I might find out. Or how many other non members are reading via the feeds. I have a slice of this latter data.
Two that I monitor closely are the Online Facilitation Group (which I started) and the Com-Prac group (hosted by my friend John Smith).
On onfac we have 1237 subscribers (and recently I cleaned out about 200 bouncing addresses and have 70 currently bouncing - knowing who is really "in" is hard in Yahoo). According to Bloglines (just one piece of the RSS sub action) there are people 26 subscribed to the feed.
On comprac there are 1308 (with currently about 290 bouncing subs) subscribers to the group and 6 on Bloglines.
Some of my questions are:
* Do those who sub via RSS not worry about getting email messages? Is there a correlation to the nomail option and subscribers to RSS?
* Is a headline feed of enough use to encourage adoption?
* Does using RSS feeds change how people interact with the group?
rss, yahoogroups, community_technology
Wow, Nancy. I didn't even know I could get a RSS feed for Yahoo. A headline alone wouldn't make me happy. Why wouldn't Yahoo make whole messages available (oh.. I know.. no eyeballs for their ads).
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