Thursday, September 08, 2005

Internet access for Katrina's victims

Just passing on a few more items. My capacity for analysis is tired. :-)

NewsForge | Internet access for Katrina's victims:
"Hurricane Katrina has left individuals and families with urgent needs, and relief agencies will work hard to prepare food, clothing, and shelter for them. However, a huge number will be unable to return to their homes for weeks or even months. Free, readily available public access to the Internet can provide a crucial lifeline for them during this time.

Ultimately, the goal is to create the tools for immediate volunteer efforts to place public web stations in accessible areas after any major disaster, anywhere in the world. Rather than needing to be coordinated centrally, this effort can be undertaken at the grass-roots level by individuals in affected areas."
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Blogger RDR said...

My friend lives in Madsionville and dosen't have internet access. Are there any satalite service that he could use. Just curious if anyone has any ideas

2:11 PM  

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