Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Live Conference Wiki-ing - Complete with gestures

Take a peek at this conference wiki where participants are live wiki-ing. I love it - complete with narrative on gestures and non verbals. Lovely job!Internal And External Context - OpenContentWIki
: "R: And here we are, yet again. And everyone's even on time tonight!

(General chuckles)

S: And apparently there are going to be some visuals tonight? (Gestures to a computer and projector on the conference room table)

R: We've been talking about context and how important context is for a while now, but we have yet to really talk about context specifically.

O: Oh, good! I've been looking forward to this for a while now.

C: Yea.

V: We've said that more context can make instruction more effective. We've also said that more context can get in the way of reusability. Just what is context?

R: I have some ideas on the topic, of course, but I don't want this to turn into a lecture.

D: There's little of danger of that happening. (General laughter) So go on."

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