Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Audio as Online Conversation Experiment

Beth Kanter was part of my recent online facilitation workshop and initiated a fantastic interaction around experimenting with audio. She recaps her learning in Audio as Online Conversation for Online Communities Experiment. What is cool about this post is it contains a visual summary of the conversation which she shared in the workshop. It was so cool I said "BLOG IT!" She did! (Here's a link to the larger image.)

Here too, is her text overview:
I came to the workshop with an interest in learning more about facilitation of blogging communities as well as how some of the new tools - like audio and video may be deployed. One action learning experiment played with was titled 'Audio As Online Conversation.' Some inquiry questions:

* What is the best way to weave audio into online community conversations?
* What are the challenges and opportunities?
Now we need an audio summary! :-)

, ,


Blogger Koan said...

Now, *that* is an angle I hadn't considered before! As an auditory person, this kind of approach particularly appeals to me. Thanks, Nancy, for bringing it to my attention! (Heading over to Beth's...)

5:33 AM  
Anonymous Beth said...

Hi Nancy:

That was coming, but I got distracted by screencasting ... :-)

9:19 AM  

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