J. LeRoy: You Can't Spell Community without 'Nit'
Jim riffs on my post of last night about Web 2.0. Well said! J. LeRoy: You Can't Spell Community without 'Nit' "The Web 2.0 world has seen a lot of press. No one knows where its boundaries are. Many push back because some people like to resist popular movements regardless of their intent. But the central definition of Web 2.0 is that it facilitates relationships, communication and collaboration. It can do this in so many ways that I'll just send you to wikipedia to read about it.
I love the line "Community is love. Everyone wants it...But not all are ready for the ...commitment necessary to stablize and maintain it."
Community is love. Everyone wants it. Everyone likes it when community is focused on them. But not all are ready for the various levels of commitment necessary to stabilize and maintain it.
Web 2.0 is not going to remove the need for leaders, lovers, lurkers or losers. Human beings have fairly set ways of relating to each other. Social networks and tools produced by Web 2.0 efforts may extend, but will never replace, these social norms."
I'm not sure it is stability, but there has to be a "there" there. It has to be more than electronic traces and the artifacts that come of our collaborative intersections.
Maybe the line moves from "all you need is love" to "all you need is love and web 2.0." Wink wink!
cooperation, collaboration, community_indicators, online_community, web2.0
Web 2.0 is not going to remove the need for leaders, lovers, lurkers or losers.
Perhaps not. But their natures will change.
Say more! How will they change? How does technology shape us? How do we shape technology??
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