Friday, October 28, 2005

Using "Blog Communities" for Job Recruitment

Mobile Jones has launched a new effort to connect mobile engineers with jobs, and help the referrer pick up a commission along the way. "Mobile Job Day" hopes to springboard off of networks created by bloggers in the mobile sector. Theoretically, good folk hang out with good folk, creating a filter/recommender that allows recruiters to find good candidates, plus give a little love to the finder.

Not only will Mobile be posting openings, but mobile engineers seeking to be considered can put a little badge on their blogs as a small flag of availability. Mobile says this "allows those who wish to be considered for openings to declare their ability on their blogs without announcing it to the world in a post and possibly their current employer. " I'm not so sure about that. Once employers figure out what it means, I'm not sure it would be so secret. There may be an upside to this anyway. Employers will know they need to value their engineers and keep 'em happy!

Sounds practical and doable to me, and taps into the power of networks and communities. Better yet, it is great to see people just step up and offer new ideas and avenues. Go, Mobile!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel blogs can be as successful as the yahoo groups for providing info about latest openings,trip n tricks to crack interviews.

visit me at:

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Nick Roy said...

It seems that blogs can be a good tool for tapping the passive job seeker, as well as ensuring a better corporate fit.

7:52 AM  

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