Ward Cunningham on the Culture, Community and Moderation of Wikis
Ross Mayfield blogs over at Many-to-Many: an "Impressionistic transcript from Ward Cunningham’s opening keynote at wikisym…"
If you are interested in the human dynamics of online interaction, go read what Ross captured from Ward. Great stuff. Here are a few clips before my eyeballs roll back and fingers freeze up for the night. (I have been doing interviews that I transcribe live all day. Hands are TIRED!)A wiki is a work sustained by a community. Often asked about difference between wiki and blog. Something tangible is ve The blogosphere is the magic that happens above blogs — the blogosphere is a community that might produce a work. Whereas a wikis a work that might produce a community. It’s all just people communicating.
Go read it all... on the second page is a great bit about wiki moderation! And in related news, Ward has left Microsoft...
One’s words are a gift to the community. For the wiki nature to take whole, you have to let go of your words. You have to be okay with that. This goes into the name, called refactoring. To collaborate on a work, one must trust.
Refactoring makes the work supple. Word borrowed from mathematics, not going to change the meaning of the work, but change it so I can understand it better. Continuous refactoring. Putting a new feature into a program is important, but refactoring so new features can be added in the future is equally important.
wiki, online_community, online_facilitation,
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