Sunday, November 13, 2005

Development Informatics Working Papers

After ranting about how poorly we do ICT-related development, I thought it might be worthwhile to link to some papers for Richard Heeks and others.SED - IDPM - Development Informatics Working Papers, which include (from 2003- 2005)

  1. Offshoring to Africa (Richard Heeks).
  2. Overestimating the Global Digital Divide (Richard Heeks).
  3. Is the Communication/Rights Agenda Damaging eDevelopment? (Richard Heeks).
  4. Foundations of ICTs in Development: Pushing and Pulling (Richard Heeks).
  5. Foundations of ICTs in Development: The Onion-Ring Model (Richard Heeks).
  6. Foundations of ICTs in Development: The Information Chain (Richard Heeks).
  7. Reframing the Role of Telecentres in Development (Richard Heeks).
  8. Free and Open Source Software: A Blind Alley for Developing Countries? (Richard Heeks).
  9. ICTs and the MDGs: On the Wrong Track? (Richard Heeks).
  10. 'What Did Giddens And Latour Ever Do For Us?': Academic Writings on Information Systems and Development (Richard Heeks).
  11. Lessons for Development from the New Economy (Richard Heeks).
  12. Analysing E-commerce for Development (Richard Heeks).
  13. Human Resource Development Policy in the Context of Software Exports: Case Evidence from Costa Rica (Brian Nicholson & Sundeep Sahay).
  14. Exploring the Reality of eCommerce Benefits Among Businesses in a Developing Country (Alemayehu Molla).
  15. A Profile of Nigeria's Software Industry (H. Abimbola Soriyan and R. Heeks).
  16. ICT Initiatives, Women and Work in Developing Countries: Reinforcing or Changing Gender Inequalities in South India? (Shoba Arun, Richard Heeks and Sharon Morgan) .
  17. Growth and Formalisation of Information Systems in Developing Country SMEs (Richard Duncombe).
  18. Knowledge and Learning in Online Networks in Development: A Social Capital Perspective (Sarah Cummings, Richard Heeks & Marleen Huysman).
  19. Romania's Hardware and Software Industry: Building IT Policy and Capabilities in a Transitional Economy (Mihaiela Grundey & Richard Heeks).
Now all I need is time to read them. Sigh...

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