Monday, November 14, 2005

Internet Matchmaking: Those Offering Help and Those Needing It

The New York Times ran a story today on great folks like Grace Davis who just pitched right in after Katrina. Internet Matchmaking: Those Offering Help and Those Needing It - New York Times
"Scores of Americans like Mr. Wales had pioneered a new kind of philanthropy in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Spurred to do something more personal than writing a check, they turned to the Internet, which linked people who wanted to help with those who needed it, often with no relief agency acting as a middleman. Established sites like Craigslist and Yahoo Groups took on new purposes, while charity neophytes created dozens of new sites.

'Each major news event generates new phenomena online, and the new thing with Katrina was the spontaneous and distributed offers of personal charity,' said Lee Rainie, project director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project in Washington. 'This is a new age of directed, individualized giving that is not dependent on existing agencies, and it has already become embedded in online culture.'"
It is nice to see this kind of attention to the self organized work of so many folks. Bravo!

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